As the story has it, one day I headed to the opposite side of the globe – the Flipside. I arrived in Korea February 16th, 2005 and thought I’d do a year, then leave. I was wrong. I stayed, launched my first company, Flipside Fitness, and then opened Korea's largest boxing club, Hulk's Boxing (now called Hulk's Club).

After 11.5yrs in Korea, I then picked up one day and returned to Toronto, Canada. But then I left again.

Now I live in the Philippines where I am the CEO and head coach of Empowered Clubhouse, the Philippines' first and only boxing clubhouse exclusively just for women. I also am the founder of the Lil' Sistas Project, CEO and designer of Slay Gear and Baa Baa Black Sheep .Ph.

Monday, May 29, 2006

Highlights of my Day... Monday, May 29

1. Took me 40mins to get out of bed today cause I knew I had to teach that “troublesome 2” class (the class for the lower level 2 students).
2. Students filled into my classroom looking all spooked… English speaking tests start today with my level 3 classes.
3. Still trying to make sense out of the incrediably silly marking system I was asked to use. Apparently my test mark has to be out of twenty but I’m only allowed to assign even numbers…. and this makes sense how???
4. Once again I find myself entertained with the excuses of Sci. Guy. Sometimes I wish I had no strainer on my mouth cause I’ve got lots to say with him, added with a slap across the head as a finishing touch.
5. Was almost about to buy Ryan this beautiful gold chain until I saw the price and literally almost had a heart attack! For that price I could pay someone to go to the mine, extract the gold and make me one!!!
6. Realized why Kang doesn’t skip with me when we train…. cause he can’t. He blamed it on his big shoes when it’s really cause he kind of has two left feet. Ha, ha, ha.
7. Made a complete fool of myself in attempt to try to make Kang feel better for his lack of skipping skills. When he was attempting to skip I jumped in but I ended up bursting into laughter. Ya, EVERYONE looked at me, great.
8. Apparently Kang’s favorite colour is grey. He’s always got on grey socks, grey shorts, a grey shirt, grey shoes, and….too much information there Kang.
9. Gave Kang a little pep talk on how to correctly answer those touchy couple questions, like “do you love her?” I asked Ryan the same question and he went way over board with his exaggerated answer.
10. Today Ryan and I cracked open all our packed piggy backs and sorted out all the coins. He’s going to take it to the bank tomorrow for counting… I guess this means supper is on you tomorrow Ryan?! Ha, ha, ha… I want one of everything then!

Do you know what yesterday was?

Strain yourself!
-- Me

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