As the story has it, one day I headed to the opposite side of the globe – the Flipside. I arrived in Korea February 16th, 2005 and thought I’d do a year, then leave. I was wrong. I stayed, launched my first company, Flipside Fitness, and then opened Korea's largest boxing club, Hulk's Boxing (now called Hulk's Club).

After 11.5yrs in Korea, I then picked up one day and returned to Toronto, Canada. But then I left again.

Now I live in the Philippines where I am the CEO and head coach of Empowered Clubhouse, the Philippines' first and only boxing clubhouse exclusively just for women. I also am the founder of the Lil' Sistas Project, CEO and designer of Slay Gear and Baa Baa Black Sheep .Ph.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Highlights of my Day... Wednesday, May 31

1. Hurray for Ryan and me both having the day off due to it being Election Day.
2. A double hurray for today because it being Election Day and therefore all those annoying loud trucks and waving women are gone after today! They’ll return again but it won’t be for another four years.
3. Got convinced into going to acupuncture with Ryan and I definitely won’t be too eager to try it again. They told me to relax but when I turned and caught glimpse of the 17 needles poking out of my back, I totally stiffened up and thought I’d faint.
4. Lunch at TGIF turned into quite the social with Ryan and I joining up with three female strangers for some good chatting. One of the girls took down my number and so I’m hopeful that we’ll become great friends.
5. Went camera happy around Cheonan and even made this adventure mini-video while sitting on the back of Ryan’s racing scooter. I should mention here, kids don’t do what I did! Looking at only the tiny screen caused me to get my head whip-lashed by a mysteriously unseen branch. Not cool!
6. While out on a walk in a nearby park, I ran into one of my former Dream students, Jimmy. He ran at me yelling “Amy teacher” and I was so happy to see him. I really miss my mini Koreans!
7. Checked out the massive bronze Buddha at the temple here in Cheonan. It was my second time visiting but Ryan’s first.
8. What started off as an embarrassing moment with me shooting my mouth off in Korean (when I didn’t know some monk was standing there listening) turned into a cool moment with me conversing with the monk in Korean.
9. Through down the yellow card tonight on Ryan’s movie pick, “The Corpse Bride”. I’m not 12 and so I’m not down with cartoons. Ryan had to wake me up when the movie was over, I think that said enough!
10. Find it ironic to note that today my back feels great but now my legs are throbbing… all this started yesterday and ironically I got the acupuncture done yesterday…. coincidence?!

I want to reach your mind - where is it currently located?

You have all the characteristics of a popular politician: a horrible voice, bad breeding, and a vulgar manner.
-- Aristophanes

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