As the story has it, one day I headed to the opposite side of the globe – the Flipside. I arrived in Korea February 16th, 2005 and thought I’d do a year, then leave. I was wrong. I stayed, launched my first company, Flipside Fitness, and then opened Korea's largest boxing club, Hulk's Boxing (now called Hulk's Club).

After 11.5yrs in Korea, I then picked up one day and returned to Toronto, Canada. But then I left again.

Now I live in the Philippines where I am the CEO and head coach of Empowered Clubhouse, the Philippines' first and only boxing clubhouse exclusively just for women. I also am the founder of the Lil' Sistas Project, CEO and designer of Slay Gear and Baa Baa Black Sheep .Ph.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Highlights of my Day... Saturday, June 24

1. Woke up super early to watch the soccer game with Ryan and it was probably the dirtiest match I’ve ever watched. Did you know the President of FIFA was Swiss… did you see all the plays the refs didn't call... Today Swiss won... what a coincidence. I think all of Korea is crying today.
2. Reached a breaking point with Ryan yelling at the TV and so I got so mad at him. I gave him the rules of my house but I don't think he was too impressed. I love him dearly but today he was TOO Korean for me!
3. Tested out my shopping chapter vocab when I went solo and did some “comfort shopping”. Bought these super cute white shows that scream “Jackie Kennedy Onasis” and had some pretty funny random conversations with the local sellers.
4. Funniest conversation today was with this Pakistan man who sells jewelery. He was struggling with his English and so we ditched the English and chatted in Korean. Got numerous surprised looks from the locals and so it was rather entertaining.
5. Darnell’s plane came in today and so I ventured out to Songtan to see him. He, like ALWAYS, made me wait over an hour for him to get ready. Amused myself by chatting it up with this Korean man, Min So Cheok, who was loving the fact that my boyfriend is Korean.
6. It’s official… I’ve got a Korean stalker... and no I don't mean Je Min. It’s week-old news but today it reached a different level. He's obsessed with me and at first I thought it was a joke but he won't stop messaging me!!! Darnell was quite entertained with Stalker Boy’s latest text message…. “If you leave me alone, I will lose my aim of life and will die”.
7. Darnell was especially entertained with the numerous “crying pictures” Stalker Boy sent me. I met Stalker boy once… he’s supposedly the new flame of a friend. Ya, okay.
8. Besides getting way too many text messages from Stalker Boy, the night was a lot of fun. Darnell and the guys were shocked with my dark hair and we had lots of laughs.
9. Am convinced I ran into a friend’s husband (Bryan) who is in the army but isn’t stationed in this city. Looks like he thinks he’s smart, going on the “prowl” in another city.
10. Apparently Bryan didn’t recognize me or was too shocked to admit it. I was all up in his face and inside I was dying to punch him. I think that’s my biggest fear with marriage…. marrying a “Bryan”… someone who’ll cheat on me. What a dog. Men like that should be castrated!

What ever happened to fair play?

I promise I will never leave you alone.
-- Stalker Boy

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