As the story has it, one day I headed to the opposite side of the globe – the Flipside. I arrived in Korea February 16th, 2005 and thought I’d do a year, then leave. I was wrong. I stayed, launched my first company, Flipside Fitness, and then opened Korea's largest boxing club, Hulk's Boxing (now called Hulk's Club).

After 11.5yrs in Korea, I then picked up one day and returned to Toronto, Canada. But then I left again.

Now I live in the Philippines where I am the CEO and head coach of Empowered Clubhouse, the Philippines' first and only boxing clubhouse exclusively just for women. I also am the founder of the Lil' Sistas Project, CEO and designer of Slay Gear and Baa Baa Black Sheep .Ph.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Dinner for Two... Saturday, March 19

The flat out truth of the matter is I like my dog a whole lot more than many people whom I've met. It's true. My dog, Jo Mi Nam, is a drama-free little mini Korean who doesn't ask anything more from me than a daily walk and food. He's a very laid back dude but telling him we're going for a walk gets a reaction similar to telling a kid tomorrow is Christmas -- pure excitement and lots of jumping.

Recently Mi Nam has been sick, really sick, and despite continual visits to the vet, the vet continues to tell me that Mi Nam is alright. Excuses to explain the blood in his poop, his loss in weight, and the nastinest of it all came this past week with his uncontrollable diahrea, range from blaming it on something he must have ate outside to claiming that Purina Dog Food is to blame.
Mi Nam's been to other vets but I don't like the idea of being so unconsistant, plus a couple of the other vets clearly seem to be product-pushing vets, if you know what I mean.

Anyways, tonight as I got ready to do some private training at the closed boxing club, Mi Nam dropped a bomb on the floor. Ok, so it wasn't exactly a bomb, it was a "number 3". So I scooped him up and jetted it down the street to the vet.

The vet was closed.

Mi Nam dropped another bomb... right there on the vet's doorstep. That's karma for you!!!

I did some rearching online and questioned a couple of my friends about it. Oh... and thanks to many of you here too on my homepage who contacted me with your concern and advice -- much appreciated. I got a bunch of advice from friends and many of them added to an article I had read about upping Mi Nam's protein and starchy carbs intake. I had read an article and it suggested feeding Mi Nam chicken and sweet potatoes, but with both MIA in my house, I resorted to cooking up some eggs and brown rice for him.

Couldn't help but laugh at the sight before me. There I sat, on a floor with my small Korean knee-high table, with two plates of fried eggs and brown rice. One plate for Mi Nam and one for me... hahaha.

Are you a dog person?

A dog owns nothing, yet is seldom dissatisfied.
-- Irish Proverb


Anonymous said...

there is something wrong with him. think about it, he's been eating the exact same diet for years and has been healthy up to this point. i don't think it is a simple matter of changing his diet.

he may have cancer or some problem with his digestive tract.

권투선수 에이미 [Amy] said...

Hi Anonymous,
Thank you for concern and I agree with you that something is wrong. He went again to the vet this past Monday. As for his diet, he hasn't been eating the same. He's had three major changes to his diet in the past couple of years. Snickers thought he'd give Mi Nam extra food but that extra food ws the same kind he gives his dog at his dad's house -- wild, outside Jindo dog. And that's when Mi Nam really started to have problems. He is on medication now but we bought the food the vet suestion, which if you ask me I think is rather ironic considering, that and the fact it's overly expensive so I'm sure the vet is getting his share.

Anonymous said...


This website saved my dog's life.

He had allergy to dry food, had bold patches all over and open soars. I went thru 3 different vets here in US and all they did was to put him on expensive medications that did nothing, huge blue pills twice daily! and asked to buy their food. This went on for 2 years! Then when I almost gave up - he was 8 years old at that time and in the very bad condition I got the link. It took him only 3 month to start looking healthy again. I can email you pics of him before and after. He is now 13 and still going strong.

I would still have him on medications but would think about changing his diet. He should not be eating any grains:):) Fresh meet, fresh vegies and cooked sweet potatoes are ok.


Great blog:)

Anonymous said...

This is NOT a food issue. Has the vet ordered a full blood test? If he hasn't, then you MUST ask for one. Check his liver, kidneys, red cell blood count, etc. If this vet doesn't agree, then go to another one and request one. You cannot let it go on like this. He's probably feeling sick and in pain. Why delay the issue? Your current vet is either an idiot or he simply doesn't care. You need to hold your ground.

Anonymous said...

Why haven't you tried a new vet? You either don't care or you're not that bright. If you come back here in a month to tell us he died, don't expect sympathy. You're not doing your job as a responsible pet owner. Stop wasting time boxing and do something for your dog. Snickers is not the smartest person on the planet, so sending him to the vet is a dumb idea. Own up to your responsibilities and do something.

권투선수 에이미 [Amy] said...

Hello Anonymous,
I totally feel your frustration and concern, as I am sure we can both totally relate to the stress of it all. Am glad your baby is better now and am sure Mi Nam will join your little guy with a clean bill of health soon too.

Hi Anonymous..#3,
I couldn't agree with you more about it not being a food issue but must note that since I've changed his food last week he hasn't had an issues. This vet is the third vet Mi Nam has been to actually and the vet says a blood test is not needed. Dude could sell ice to an Inuit. Today I will be going to a fourth vet. Honestly, doctors for pets are like doctors for people in that its best to stick with one so that they get to know and understand you. I'd hate for a complication of medication to evolve out of all this jumping to and from different vets!!!

Hey Anonymous...#4?!
Either I don't care or I'm not so bright?! Well isn't that like the kettle calling the pot black. What's up with the crap you're spitting on my homepage? My homepage is but only a glimpse into my life so before you stomp on me with your horse get the facts. Mi Nam has been to THREE vets about this situation. And I'd aappreciate it if you didn't attack my husband. Not the smartest person... and who the hell would that be?!
You'd feel pretty bad if he did die and if you knew of all the stress and crap I'm going through trying to resolve this situation.
Get off your high horse cause the fact of the matter is you don't know the facts. If you did, you'd obviously see that your rude and uncalled for comments made you the horse's ass.

Anonymous said...

I don't know, I think of my pets as my children. If my child was sick and the doctor was telling me "oh, it's ok, just go home," all hell would break loose. I mean, it's my money. If I want to spend it in an additional blood test, they have no right to say no. I lived in 3 different countries with my dog. Two of those countries in Southeast Asia, so I know how it works in here.

While I do agree that it's best to stick to a single vet when possible, it's also ok to move on if the one you have is an idiot. Next vet you visit, go in and say "Hi. I would like to get a complete blood test for my dog. Check his kidneys, liver, etc. When can I bring him in for that?" And that's it. Don't get into the whole thing again. Ask for the test ONLY and then go from there.