As the story has it, one day I headed to the opposite side of the globe – the Flipside. I arrived in Korea February 16th, 2005 and thought I’d do a year, then leave. I was wrong. I stayed, launched my first company, Flipside Fitness, and then opened Korea's largest boxing club, Hulk's Boxing (now called Hulk's Club).

After 11.5yrs in Korea, I then picked up one day and returned to Toronto, Canada. But then I left again.

Now I live in the Philippines where I am the CEO and head coach of Empowered Clubhouse, the Philippines' first and only boxing clubhouse exclusively just for women. I also am the founder of the Lil' Sistas Project, CEO and designer of Slay Gear and Baa Baa Black Sheep .Ph.

Sunday, March 06, 2011

Sweet and My Sweetie... Sunday, March 6

Day date time!!!

Today Snickers and I went on a day date. He's been itching to see me ride Gotti since he came back from Japan but it wasn't until today that we got both Gotti (my scooter) and Maximus (his scooter) back on the road.

Taxi drivers and other scooter drivers are two drivers on the road I hate driving beside cause everyone knows taxi drivers in Korea drive like they've got a bad case of the crazies and scooter drivers, well, they don't exactly follow the rules. Don't get me wrong, I do... well, most of them, beyond the fact that I'm driving without a license that is ;) Taxis drive like they're in some kind of road rage race and scooters drive anywhere at anytime.

Anyways, so jumping on Gotti and racing down the street with Snickers and Maximus hot on our butt was a bit nerve racking. Maximus has more power than my little Gotti but my baby's got a lot of pep so he smokes Maximus at the lights.

So we drove around the city for a bit and then ended up at a little coffee shop tucked away in the country side of Cheonan. Mouse Doctor and Cheeto Girl are apparently fans of this place so we thought we'd check it out. Definitely a wicked shop!!!

Gotta love a coffee shop that's got a full book of numerous coffees you can enjoy!

Sipped on coffee with Snickers and chatted a couple of hours away. Talked about the new chapter we're starting. This past week Snickers and I started our "Year of Saving" so we've christened our budget-record book and this next week Snickers will be starting a part time job. I'm not too thrilled about him working, beyond his boxing that is, but boxing in Korea just isn't what it use to be. I'm even contemplating sending him to Japan or to the Philippines to train. KBC (the Korean Boxing Commission) just isn't doing anything for boxing here in Korea so it's frustrating. They're brutal with scheduling fights, even more brutal for generating any kind of hype for fights and their payouts for fights are insulting.

I'm trying my hardest to be 120% supportive of Snickers and his boxing but it's hard, not because it doesn't pay, but because it doesn't give him the due reconition or respect it should. Korea just doesn't view professional sports as a real job. I'm sick of hearing it from my mother-in-law and sister-in-law so I can only assume it's eating at Snickers too. Moreover, it's so hard to see him be so passionate about boxing but be constantly waiting for a fight. He still hasn't been able to recover from the whole crap situation his former coach created when we went on our honeymoon and his coach lashed out like a jealous ex-girlfriend, handing over Snickers' champion belt to KBC. I still have a beef with KBC about that too cause sure it was the former coach who handed it over but why would KBC ever accept it?! Anyways, he hasn't recovered not because of anything he has or hasn't done but because of KBC. They just aren't scheduling him any games. "No one wants to fight you" was what they once told him. So frustrating.

Anyone that knows Snickers knows he's all about boxing. He eats, sleeps and breaths boxing. Whether it's text message boxing updates on his cell phone, boxing blarring on the TV, him training at the club, or him breaking out into shadow boxing when we're out walking Mi Nam, he is a boxer to the core and he's so eager for a fight.

He's itching for a fight, you can see it in his eyes. I see it and feel it from him everyday. Last week I joked about it too cause in two days he picked two random street fights. Both were with other drivers and in both case Snickers got out of our car, walked up to the other driver's car, and insisted the driver explain themself. He's waited too long for a fight.

"Keep the fights in the ring" my coach Egerton in Canada always told me. That's easier to say than to be done, especially when you're someone like Snickers, a true boxer to the core who is so eager to do what he loves to do -- to box.

So ya, after all that rambling... Snickers is going to be starting a new part time job and funny thing is, this might mean we'll be getting another car. Dang... two cars and two scooters. We're only two people... hahaha.

After our coffee shop date, we took our scooter racing to Dankook where me and Gotti smoked Snickers and Maximus... hahaha. Snickers took this above shot. It's a picture of Gotti and I leaving him and Maximus in the dust... hahaha.

What are you itching to do?

Do what you love and the rest will follow.
-- Author Unknown

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