As the story has it, one day I headed to the opposite side of the globe – the Flipside. I arrived in Korea February 16th, 2005 and thought I’d do a year, then leave. I was wrong. I stayed, launched my first company, Flipside Fitness, and then opened Korea's largest boxing club, Hulk's Boxing (now called Hulk's Club).

After 11.5yrs in Korea, I then picked up one day and returned to Toronto, Canada. But then I left again.

Now I live in the Philippines where I am the CEO and head coach of Empowered Clubhouse, the Philippines' first and only boxing clubhouse exclusively just for women. I also am the founder of the Lil' Sistas Project, CEO and designer of Slay Gear and Baa Baa Black Sheep .Ph.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Bouncing Back from A Non-Existent Day... Tuesday, February 12

With it being Daddy-O's birthday (my father), I had big plans for today. I wanted to go into it with guns blazing and at full speed so I had designated some momentous missions for today.

1. City Hall registry meeting 
2. Take “before” video footage of the building, then make video 
3. Quit my job 


Coffee with Cat today (pick her brain about business)

Meeting at Best Boxing 
Meeting with the interior cleaning company 
Scheduled phone call/meeting regarding trademark details 
Go through the KIPRIS registered trademark database
Work on the club advertising flyer 
Touch up the Member Consent and Release form 

Ran into some obstacles today with my “missions”… 

1. Sure, registry of a business only takes 3 days like they taught me at business school and like the city hall rep told me on the phone, but apparently the fact that because we’re opening a training facility we have to take a one day coaching course. Ya, so that brings it up to four days, that’s if you can get into the course. Next course isn’t available until next month and it’s Chungju. I told Snickers I’m going to send him all the way down to Busan if it means getting it faster. Thankfully only he has to take it because he’s the manager. 

The faster we register our company name, the faster we can apply for our trademark and then the faster we can start the advertising and printing of business cards. 

I was really disappointed that we didn’t get to apply for registration of our name. I really was anticipating going into year nine with it attached to me. More importantly though, with today being my father's birthday, I was really hoping to apply for it today.  I know my father would have been really proud of me.

2. Oh, we took video footage but Snickers forgot to switch the memory mode from the camcorder’s internal memory to the memory card. It wouldn’t be a problem, that is if it weren’t for the fact that I can’t find the cord to recharge the camcorder battery, correction, Snickers can’t remember where he put it. And after an hour of online search for a manual, or at least a picture of what the cabling would look like… well, A for effort, F for fail. I think I’ve tried any and every cable in my house, just to see if luck would shine down on me and miraculously work. No such luck. 

3.  No complications with mission #3, I quit my job.  It was relatively quick and painless though I suspect that there may be some follow-up phone calls made to me but it definitely happened.  I quit my job.

Ran into some great highlights of the day… 

1. I deal mainly with Adidas Korea but it was Adidas France who first discovered me.  He’s now responsible for Adidas Hong Kong. After Adidas Korea didn’t respond to my email the other day, I emailed Adidas Hong Kong and he wrote back to both Adidas Korea and me. 
"Hector could you send to Amy the full product list from Pakistan and please ensure we help her and Young Bin [Snickers]. I will also help her personally and donate some products."
So Adidas is all in – they’re STILL very much all in, I love it. It’s funny because when I was younger my parents never bought me name brand clothing but I always loved Adidas. It’s got an old school trusting feeling to it but now that I know the company personally, this trust feeling is so much more personable and real. 

2. Met my boxing club’s “tenant”. I had arrived with Snickers and the interior cleaning company. I told him about the homeless man so he took it upon himself to go straight for him in that one room and wake him up. Upon waking up, the homeless man turned and the first thing out of his mouth was “Sorry, sorry”. I don’t think he noticed me standing in the dark room at first because when Snickers and the other man questioned him about being here he started rambling about some foreign women who had come here. “That was me” I said as I stepped into his view. The four of us talked for a bit and then Snickers and the cleaning man continued on with business while I stayed in the room with the homeless man. 

He told me that he’d leave and I told him that perhaps he could just go to the next floor up. He was very apologetic when I told him he had scared me the other day so I took it upon myself to help him pack his stuff. In a way I was really relieved he wasn’t scary or nasty but a part of me wished he was because I felt sad watching him pack up his stuff. He was just so apologetic and so sweet. When I handed him my letter he smiled really big, giggled and said thank you a good handful of times. I didn’t watch him read it but instead stepped out of the room to let him continue gathering his things. When he exited the room, he paused to look straight into my eyes. We both smiled and then I watched as he walked off towards the darkened corner where the stairwell was. It was really a strange feeling, rather quite touching actually. In a way, I really do hope I run into him again because oddly enough I’ve been thinking about him a lot ever since I first saw his belongings scattered around. He just seemed like such a sweet man who, for whatever reason, had a streak of bad luck and ended up sleeping in an abandoned building. 

3. Best Boxing in Cheonan is owned and operated by two brothers, so there’s actually two Best Boxing Clubs in Cheonan. I know both of the managers and today Snickers and I sat down with one of them to pick his brain about registry and pricing. It’s been really encouraging to see our fellow boxing clubs come together and really support us. I’m learning so much from them all and really learning to love the community among us.  

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