As the story has it, one day I headed to the opposite side of the globe – the Flipside. I arrived in Korea February 16th, 2005 and thought I’d do a year, then leave. I was wrong. I stayed, launched my first company, Flipside Fitness, and then opened Korea's largest boxing club, Hulk's Boxing (now called Hulk's Club).

After 11.5yrs in Korea, I then picked up one day and returned to Toronto, Canada. But then I left again.

Now I live in the Philippines where I am the CEO and head coach of Empowered Clubhouse, the Philippines' first and only boxing clubhouse exclusively just for women. I also am the founder of the Lil' Sistas Project, CEO and designer of Slay Gear and Baa Baa Black Sheep .Ph.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Highlights of my Day... Tuesday, October 10

1. I'm still not use to my new eyes. Seeing so much detail that I never saw before sent me into sensory overload! Amazing! I still am so fasinated with how everything looks so different.
2. Laid my head on my desk and Mr. PE Teacher came over and said "I like Amy". It was so cute. He told my co-worker that he cares a lot about me. Ahh, thanks! Out of all the teachers I've worked with, he's one of my favorite and when I think of him I can't help but laugh. His English is bad but he tries, his favorite English word is "Ok" and he totally abuses it but it always makes me giggle, his head is huge but that just adds to his humorous character, and he's probably the simpliest creature I know. Ha, ha, ha.
3. My class 1-1 argued about wanting to change their table teams and so I gave in... what a disaster! I always hate doing this cause there's always those few loner students left at the end. Feelings always get hurt. So, in anticipation of this problem, I made those very students be the team captains instead, which as it turned out, was worse then the original way. Crying student count reached a record high of four... ouch!
4. I'm not for abuse but dang! I spent time with Grace tonight and she's definitely one child that needs a good spanking! Wow! Can you say "difficult"?! She is only 7 but has the stubbornness and attitude of an average pre-teen hitting puberty!
5. Headed out to the gym to meet up with the guys. We all showed up late and Kim Tae was the only one that really was focused at training tonight¢® ha, ha, ha. Thanks for the MC Mong CD Kim Tae.
6. I'm as stubborn as a Pollack gets but this totally lead to embarrassment at the gym. Instead of listening to the doctor's orders, I went to the gym and soon found myself having dizzy spells. It was way too bright for my eyes and so I ended up being a bit sick in the bathroom.
7. I've decided to change my mind. I will get married but only to MC Mong. Gotta love a man that writes a song about ice cream... ha, ha, ha. A man after my own heart! Just jokes. I'm still riding the anti-marriage bandwagon.
8. Sent a mass email to friends in family in Canada telling them that I'll be visiting in January. I'm curious to see who responds to my email but am nervous about visiting. I totally know I'll experience reverse culture shock. I've been Koreanized¢® ha, ha, ha.
9. Got an email from my brother Troy and I had to laugh his email and all the interesting things he wrote about Elizabeth (my little niece). Turns out we do have things in common...

a. She's a fire-child and is quick to voice herself... ya, that's me.
b. We're both scrappers and like to fight.
c. Her English is bad in the sense that it only consists of a few words. My English is bad because well, now I speak Konglish.
d. We both are striving to learn another language. She's taking infant sign language class (totally awesome) and I'm studying Korean. Cool! I'll finally get to put into practice my university sign language course!
e. We both want a dog. She wants a dog that will play with her and I want a dog to eat... ha, ha, ha. Hey come one, I WILL try eating a dog before I leave Korea! Change your mind.
f. We both should have been born fish... ha, ha, ha!
g. We both love laugh way too much... ha, ha, ha!

10. I've been experiencing frustration lately with some random companies who've been using my homepage's tagboard to advertise on. I didn't get mad, instead, I tried to get even. I did so by posting bad things about their products to humor myself. However, as karma would have it, my plan back-fired and so my tagboard crashed. I know, I know.. I brought it upon myself. Notice the new tagboard!

What the heck was I looking at before?

Life is too short for drama & petty things, So kiss slowly, Laugh insanely, Love truly and Forgive quickly.
-- Author Unknown

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