There's a new breed of Hulk members evolving at our boxing club -- a happier, healthier, closer crew than our previous months. While the soft opening discounted rate is long gone and those, along with others, have been given the choice to either renew or stop, a way of new members have entered our club family.
For two months we were highly populated with a high percentage of gang members, foreigners and friends who signed up to help us get on our feet. We're incredibly thankful for their generous support but now we're on our feet and we're making a strong Hulk family that consists of members who we've attracted on our own -- members who have no additional connections to us and know only as coaches. It feels great.
With a new crew of members comes new dynamics and the dynamics of our Hulk family has apparently got a lot younger. I have to laugh at the fact that, with the exception of a couple of members, I am clearly the oldest one here. The end of summer and start of a new school semester has brought us a way of high school and university students but we've also lost many of our university students for the semester as they've headed off to school in other cities.
With the change in members we've also made changes in our club to accommodate them. It's all about learning to adapt and adopt but my focus has always been on maintaining members as supposed to attracting new.
Recent changes:
1. Dropped the two fee dates -- 15th and 30th.
In theory it worked but in reality it meant we still had to chase members to pay their membership fees.
2. Monthly weigh-in responsibility now on the members, not me.
Not everyone cares to know their weight, body fat or muscle weight and in some cases I found in approaching members to do their monthly weigh-in has discouraged them. And then there are others who countdown the days and remind me everyday, love that!!! Anyways, I now post an updated chart -- a.friendly reminder -- every two weeks, clarifying when each members' fee date and weigh-in is.
3. Started up the Pro Boxing Team/Class.
It definitely helps organize training a group of members, the energy of the participants is awesome and it means we have committed members. It is very much like my boxercise but with the intentions of sparring. My boxercise ended up being highly foreign dominated whereas this is mainly Korean.
4. Anticipate dropping boxercise.
Many have got the impression that boxercise is just for the foreigners and with the lack of commitment and participation of this group, it's turned more into personal training. I definitely have nothing but respect and props for those who have continually committed but with our hot hours now becoming earlier because of the shift in our member dynamics, it's not practical to continue this if the lack of numbers continue.
5. Started forming team training.
In addition to the Pro Boxing Team, I have started to cluster some of the other members together that usually train around the same time. Today I launched this idea and made one team -- Team Thundra, a group of 4 young Korean girls. I have another team of girls I am hoping to form later on in the evening; it'd be a team of 3. Making these teams is great in that it means they can train together and I don't have to juggle doing pad work with one and then running over to do weight training with other. They help each other with their handwraps, keep each other motivated during the workout and provide partners so they can do pad work together. It seems like an ingenious idea actually.
6. Monthly challenges.
This month it was unassisted, full body pull-ups. Members who participated had to do as many as possible and then they were given the month to double their starting amount. There was never any prize offered but they will always be high fives, bragging rights and the satisfaction knowing they succeeded. Next month we'll be doing a push-up challenge and I'll be offering a prize to the member who has the highest rate of success.
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