This little thing Pacquiao, it's got magic. Now I know I've always said I don't believe in magic, but this little thing, my fine four-legged friend, definitely has at least a touch of it.
OK, now that Pac is asleep, I can tell you what exactly that "magic" was. It's a USB that one of my Hulkies gave to me yesterday -- it has all 24 episodes of season 9 of Grey's Anatomy!!!
[Can you spy with your little eye all 3 four-legged friends on the bed?]
I wasn't exactly told yesterday what was on this USB, but instead was told that it had "some Grey" on it. When I realized just how much "some Grey" was -- 24 episodes -- I was rather excited and ended up waking up the pups. Sorry babies, go back to sleep.
I watched Grey's Anatomy while Snickers played his newly discovered favourite game, Contest of Champions.
Apparently it's "not just any game", he said. He gets to be a super hero; he gets to fight as the Hulk.
"But you already are the Korean Hulk", I told him. "Yes, but in this game I get to fight other super heros, not other boxers... cool". Yup, that's my husband, 30 going on 12.
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