This is the hair of someone who oozes with confidence and doesn't care what others think.

Us ladies may be super tiny but woozers can we pack in a full meal!
It's no wonder that a lady who rocks such awesome hair has a hair salon.
She owns a hair salon located right downtown in my hometown and it's been in business for 11 years.
I couldn't not have her do my hair, seriously. After what L'Attitudes did, I was itching for a fix-up.
Viola... blonde highlights, black lowlights and an edgy half head buzzed.
In the evening I met up with the quitarist from my back-in-the-day band days. I haven't seen him in like forever but it was so awesome to hear that he still rocks out.
A surprise visit to another long-time-no-see classmate was very cool and I met their dog Kailey who was super sweet. Every time I meet someone's dog I miss my doggies all that more. This girl was beautiful!
Like my other buddy, it was great to hear that this classmate had also continued a passion of his that had started long time ago. I remember him always drawing and now he gets paid to do it. He's working on this book right now and I think that's absolutely fabulous.
Apparently the theme of today's meetup with friends was all about continuing their passions and talents that they had started when they were younger and for me I thought that was very interesting.
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