I can't believe I did this, I left Korea. Only last night did I buy my ticket, around 1:30am, and then here I was at the airport with my one bag checked in and passport and ticket in hand. And what better way to leave Korea than to have four random people come up and wish me happy travels. Apparently our KBS episodes were a huge hit, so much so that people approached me at Incheon airport and asked to snap pictures with me. One person even went so far as to give me a pair of earphones because they had Iron Man on them.
My journey to Canada was definitely fueled by my excitement and by coffee.
My plane took me to Hong Kong where I had about 12 hours to kill but when the airport quickly emptied and I was left alone, down went another coffee in my attempt to stay up all night.
In Hong Kong everything is expensive but through in the fact that I'm at an airport and you know it's so much more expensive. An apple and cappicinno, $12... ouch!!!
No wonder people were flocking to the McDonalds in the airport!!! I joined them, had limited Hong Kong dollar on me. Waited 20 minutes for a cheap coffee that tasted nasty and a McMuffin that looked like it had been sat on. 

Finding my gate and seeing Toronto flash up on the big screen... beautiful!
Ended up chatting away a couple of hours with these guys, two monks. They were super funny and they loved my joke about the fact that my husband has the same hair cut as them... hahaha.
Now seeing my plane that was going to take me to Toronto, so very exciting!!!
On the flight from Hong Kong to Toronto, I sat beside some university kid with the worst bad breath known to mankind so I popped in a new pair of earphones I scored at the airport at Incheon and flew the entire way with them in. Thanks to my KBS fan for them!!!
It took me two planes to get from Korea to Canada with the first one dropping me off in Hong Kong. Flying into Hong Kong was definitely quite the sight to see. It looked like one massive spider web of lights and roads.
Flying over Canada however, wow, it was absolutely breath taking!
And arriving at my father's house to surprise him, definitely worth that 39 hour travel!!!
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