As the story has it, one day I headed to the opposite side of the globe – the Flipside. I arrived in Korea February 16th, 2005 and thought I’d do a year, then leave. I was wrong. I stayed, launched my first company, Flipside Fitness, and then opened Korea's largest boxing club, Hulk's Boxing (now called Hulk's Club).

After 11.5yrs in Korea, I then picked up one day and returned to Toronto, Canada. But then I left again.

Now I live in the Philippines where I am the CEO and head coach of Empowered Clubhouse, the Philippines' first and only boxing clubhouse exclusively just for women. I also am the founder of the Lil' Sistas Project, CEO and designer of Slay Gear and Baa Baa Black Sheep .Ph.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Turning Frowns Upside Down... Saturday, November 27

The only real thing on my schedule today was to finish that advent calendar that I started for my nephews, the twins. But every time I sat down to work on it I was constantly distracted. Ok, so I wasn’t so distracted as I was just flat out unmotivated to work on it. I ended up distracting myself by cleaning the house. What?! Was I honestly more interested in scrubbing my toliet and picking out junk from the sink that doing some arts and crafts with my advent caldendar?! Apparently so. Actually, I found the calendar rather depressing to do. Christmas isn’t a big deal here in Korea. I’ve always regarded Christmas as a kind of family-overload, friends sipping on apple cider, and in-your-face decorations and Christmas carols playing non-stop. Christmas just isn’t the same here in Korea. It’s so… blah… and it always tends to feel like a Charlie Brown Christmas – lacking and brown.

I had tried to convince myself that this year would be different but with Snickers’ return date being questionable and me being overly distracted with other things on my plate, like tutoring and my upcoming fight, I’m not really looking forward to Christmas, yet again.

I thought that making an advent calendar for the twins would turn my frowns upside down but it hasn’t really worked. Making this advent calendar only served to remind me that my two nieces (my brother’s daughters) and family in Canada will be spending yet another Christmas without me.

What did work to turn my frowns upside down today though was putting my efforts towards my training. Headed into the boxing club to do some weight training and, oddly enough, did quite a lot of dancing too… hahaha. I had popped in my iPod, cranked up my tunes, and rocked it out for a bit. Dang… I miss the good old days when Milk Dud and I use to bust out our old skool break dancing moves and spend our time testing out new moves.

Heading into the club when it's closed means automatically being put on laundry duty, and yes, there were more than towels I had to fold and put away but I don't think you care to see my coach's undies... hahaha.

Me trying to look all relaxed after my 12km night run but don't be fooled, my heart was racing like a mile a minute.

And here's me trying to prove the efforts of my run -- one overly sweaty sweater despite running in chilly weather.

Later in the evening I went for a good run. I had anticipated going around midnight but ended up going around 9pm. Tonight marked the start of my “heavy runs” and by heavy runs I am referring to the winter wear I load up on for specific runs. When I go for a heavy run I wear a second-skin shirt and pants, sweater, and a wind-breaker winter jacket with matching pants. The whole outfit weighs in at about 6lbs. I love incorporating in a couple of heavy runs every week because the added weight helps me run faster on days I don’t load up on my running gear and it means I feel so much lighter at boxing. Sometimes I go a step further and strap on ankle weights, adding an additional 2lbs.

What makes Christmas feel like Christmas for you?

Bah humbug.
-- Scrooge


Anonymous said...

HAha love Mi-nam usual expressions!!
Hey hey cheer urself up, Christmas will be good for you, your hubby's comiiiiing back;))


crashcourse said...

Hi Amy,
Love the pictures of you and you look great. I laughed my ass off at the laundry on the ropes of the gym.
You getting some long runs in are a great idea. I do some also and seeing your arms the way they look so good has had me increase my incorporating some weight training into my sparring etc. Shauna always beats me to the punch with jabs and I want to turn that around. I love the challenge of a good spar you know?
I love the way Mi Nam is close by you. :) Have you talked with Snickers lately?
Keep up your training. :)


권투선수 에이미 [Amy] said...

Hi Fabi,
Guess what... Snickers might be coming back as soon as NEXT WEEK!!! I'm keeping my fingers crossed (and my toes too... hahaha) so let's hope my Christmas wishes come true!!!

Hey Beth,
Hahahaha... hey hanging up the laundry on the ropes works wonders for drying it super fast!
Keep training hard and remember, Shauna didn't start off being so fast. She too was a beginner like we all were so don't go beating yourself up over her. Instead, focus on your strengths. Skills can be learned, remember that, but you got to be open to it and you have to be willing to focus in on it to learn it.
As for Snickers, I've talked to him a lot lately actually. I think it's because of my upcoming fight. He of all people knows how important and just how far a little of encouragement can go when training for a bout so he's really being awesome in calling me everyday. We only talk for about 10-20 minutes but it totally pumps me up for the rest of the day!

Anonymous said...

wwwowowowowow Amyyyyy that's amazing!!! so i'll be keeping my fingers crossed (and my toes) too!!haha, really good news :)


권투선수 에이미 [Amy] said...

Hi Fabi,
Hahahahaha... you're hilarious. Thanks for crossing all those body parts... hahaha.