As the story has it, one day I headed to the opposite side of the globe – the Flipside. I arrived in Korea February 16th, 2005 and thought I’d do a year, then leave. I was wrong. I stayed, launched my first company, Flipside Fitness, and then opened Korea's largest boxing club, Hulk's Boxing (now called Hulk's Club).

After 11.5yrs in Korea, I then picked up one day and returned to Toronto, Canada. But then I left again.

Now I live in the Philippines where I am the CEO and head coach of Empowered Clubhouse, the Philippines' first and only boxing clubhouse exclusively just for women. I also am the founder of the Lil' Sistas Project, CEO and designer of Slay Gear and Baa Baa Black Sheep .Ph.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Where Did the Week Go?!... Thursday, March 31

It's been an ultra super busy week, so when I woke up today and noted that it's been a full week since I've updated my homepage, I couldn't help but scratch my head and wonder. WHERE THE HECK DID THE WEEK GO?! So here's a quick recap to catch you up to speed with what's been going on lately. Not really important but it got me stoked on a Sunday... I scored new Adidas shoes. My daycare kids love the silver Adidas shoes I've been sporting this week, they call them "Amy's rocket shoes"... hahaha. As for the pair of white Adidas one's I also scored, definitely sweet for running in. It's been hard and definitely time-management-demanding of me to fit in my running and boxing with my hectic new work schedule but I think I've figured it out. I go boxing 5 times a week (4 times during the weekday and once on the weekend when I've got the club to myself) and I go running 4 times a week.

Honestly, it's been a lot to handle and the only thing that keeps me from totally crashing is continually being go-go-go cause if I stop... well... it's lights out. Once a week I crash, and I crash hard. This past week it was Monday night when my body started to crash but I ended up having to push myself through it cause I kind of got stuck in Bundang.

What happened was I picked up an extra tutoring gig but, as it turns out, the last bus from Bundang to Cheonan is at 9pm. I found this out the hard way when I showed up at the terminal at 9:45pm. I should note too that I only had $7 in my pocket so I was definitely limited with what I could do cause of lack of on-hand cash. Ended up taking a bus to Pyoungtaek, a subway then to Cheonan, and then Snickers snuck over to drive me home while he was working. My "Crash Night" came yesterday. I arrived home and despite wanting to head off to boxing, I fell asleep. And I should note that I didn't fall asleep in my bedding. I fell asleep wearing my jacket and still with my bag around my shoulders.

Yup, it's true. I came home from work and sat down to relax. Snickers ended up finding me sleeping in the middle of the kitchen floor when he arrived home from work at 4am. As for other things that went down this week, this past weekend Snickers and I got all dolled up for a special family dinner. K-Gere showed up for the lunch after a 3 hour drive, my mother-in-law and sisters-in-law were in attendance too. We entered a beautiful restaurant and sat all together on one side of the table because on the other side sat the family of one of my sisters-in-laws' boyfriend. It was the first meeting of the two families. They had met to pick the wedding date of my sister-in-law and her boyfriend. K-Gere stated that he wanted his daughter to be allowed to pick the date as supposed to both sets of parents picking it.

"They do know that he hasn't proposed yet, right?" I asked Snickers.

I found the whole situation rather strange, actually it was beyond strange. "How can they pick a wedding date if they're not even an engaged couple?" I asked Snickers. It was a long lunch, two hours. Two hours of uncomfortable giggling from my sister-in-law, two hours of a lot of silence and uncomfortable faces on all at the table, two hours of sitting on my knees in a skirt that's practically painted on me, and two hours of a lot more things. The more and more I learn about Korean culture, the more I find I don't understand. Sometimes I'm convinced even they don't understand. Picking a wedding date for a couple that isn't even engaged... ya, makes sense to me, NOT. Anyways... my landlord's apartment is close to being completed. They've knocked down all the walls and pretty much took down and out anything they could. Just recently they started rebuilding the inside walls of the apartment and Snickers couldn't be more eager for that. He comes home from work usually around 4am but the builders come around 8am... yikes! My landlord's apartment isn't the only construction going on. The building next to our little apartment building is also getting a full face lift and a new interior.

Returning home from work today I learned that my apartment has joined in on the construction scene. I walked in and was greeted by five workers ripping up my floor, tearing down my wall, and moving things around in my apartment. It's about time too. I've been getting on Snickers about talking to the landlord about the water problem we've been getting. It's not a new thing and it's definitely not a new issue to my landlord; he's well aware of it. I tell ya, the issue we're having here at Ggum Guum, well if this were Canada, Health Canada would be pounding on my landlord's door and we'd be told to leave the apartment.

Get this, we have a window in our clothes room that the previous whom-ever decided to board up and slap up some drywall. When I came home today two workers were dealing with this window. They ripped off the drywall but when they went to go put up new drywall I spoke up, asking them why they'd do such a thing.

Condensation forms on the window glass and seeps through the drywall, making for a soft wall that you can physically see and feel the water coming through. The window wasn't sealed properly in the first place so I have no idea what slapping up drywall to cover it up does beyond buy them extra time. In the long run it makes means they more work for themself though cause this is now the second time we've had to have workers come and deal with this issue.

Snickers argued with me, telling me to leave the workers alone and let them do their job. "They know what they're doing... they're professionals" he told me. "Ya, they're professionals just like the so-called professionals that originally built this place -- such amateurs!"

So for the next anticipated four days or so my house is littered with clothes and things out of place. It's such a mess and it'd be one thing if this were the end of the problem but I doubt it's not. I'm not a pestimist, I'm a realistic and the reality of the fact is this is now the second time we've had to turn our apartment upside down for the same problem. It's annoying, it's nonscense and it's unhealthy. If they had taken the extra time to build it correctly in the first place then they would have avoided having to come fix it... TWICE!!!

I should have taken my father's advice, left Ggum Guum when this first became a problem and found a new pad to call home, but I love the location of Ggum Guum and it is quite the cozy, cool pad -- when it's not literally dripping with water that is.

And with all these workers coming in and out of Ggum Guum, Mi Nam's been restricted to his little bedding area when Snickers isn't totally saving him by taking him outside. Mi Nam is not liking all the construction action going on, neither am I. And as for Mi Nam's health, well you'll be happy to note that he's been steadily putting on weight. He's gained a lot of weight actually, almost 2lbs to be more specific.


Does Korea have any kind of health and safety board to protect homeowners from poorly-built buildings?


God must love stupid people. He made so many of them.

-- Author Unknown

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