As the story has it, one day I headed to the opposite side of the globe – the Flipside. I arrived in Korea February 16th, 2005 and thought I’d do a year, then leave. I was wrong. I stayed, launched my first company, Flipside Fitness, and then opened Korea's largest boxing club, Hulk's Boxing (now called Hulk's Club).

After 11.5yrs in Korea, I then picked up one day and returned to Toronto, Canada. But then I left again.

Now I live in the Philippines where I am the CEO and head coach of Empowered Clubhouse, the Philippines' first and only boxing clubhouse exclusively just for women. I also am the founder of the Lil' Sistas Project, CEO and designer of Slay Gear and Baa Baa Black Sheep .Ph.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Always Something New... Wednesday, October 16

SURPRISE #1: Potential soon-to-happen kidnapping and new mascot for Hulk's.
On the next street over from my apartment, sits a tied up little four-legged cutie who I've gone way out of my way to avoid.  I've changed the route I walk my own four-legged friends everyday, I've changed the route I drive Gotti to work and I've even gone so far as to avoid that whole street entirely.  However, whenever I drive with Snickers to work I pass it.  It breaks my heart to see this little one tied up to the back of it's owners vehicle because I can't help but look at it and think it could be someone's Pyen Chi -- a much loved, happy pet.  Beside the tire of this vehicle is it's water bowl and food bowl -- both of which are always empty whenever I've passed by in the morning.  Today I told Snickers to stop on our route to work because I wanted to take a picture but in doing so I then became overly consumed with thoughts of this little one. 
I've convinced myself that I'm going to kidnap it... correction, "borrow" it but just never return it.
I came to this conclusion after I sat down at work and worked eagerly on a letter to it's owner, written in only Korean.  I've already approached the owner once.  They simply smiled at my comments and said that the animal was ok.  Sorry but tying up a dog to the back of your car beside a busy downtown street and leaving it out all day with empty bowls is not ok.  I worry about the recent consistent drop in temperatures and noted today that it had stretched it's leash to the max so that it could sleep in the sun.  But what about when the sun goes down and it's evening?!  Exactly.  This is just cruel.  
I ended my letter with threatening the owner, telling them that if the dog is not removed from it's current location then I'd "remove" it, aka steal it.  No sooner had I finished my letter but then I started doubting it's effect.  Perhaps my letter may mean they'll just move the dog to another spot outside, maybe a spot with no sunlight and that's more dangerous for it.  I talked to one of my Korean members about it and she's going to do some phone calling around to see what she can do but I told her that I may not even send the letter.  I may just take matters into my own hands and steal it without any warning to it's owner.  So if you see a new four-legged friend's face at Hulk's then you'll know I did exactly what I wrote out here because nothing else could solve the situation.

SURPRISE #2: Massive amounts of deliveries, expected and unexpected.
Curry, rice, chicken, cheese, and milk all arrived today.  Apparently our excessive ordering of chicken scored us a free box of it so that was certainly a sweet surprise.  As for the curry, rice and milk, they're for Snickers.  I make my own curry, rarely eat rice, and with the exception of a bit in my steamer drinks, I've decided the other day to really cut down on my dairy intake.  My morning double espresso now feels like an extra strong kick to the head of energy because of it.  I couldn't resist buying the cheese though on Groupon.  At a crazy low price of $9 for a pack that usually costs me about $20, I figured I couldn't resist.  And at the rate I use so little on my whole wheat tortilla pizzas, the bag should last me about a zillion billion years;)

SURPRISE #3: Lunch, a surprise visit and good news with a beloved buddy.
Despite the legal trouble Panty Boy Jr. recently got into involving his girlfriend's exboyfriend, apparently us working our "magic" and pulling strings has proven to solved his problem.  We've been wanting to hire him for some time now but when the harsh reality of him possibly doing jail time came about, we decided to make his problem our problem and fight for him.  Success.  He was working today but he decided to make a pit stop and join us at the club for a quick lunch.  Am more eager than ever to hire him.  He's just one of those really great guys that definitely deserves more than what he's settled for and accepted. 

SURPRISE #4: "Romantic time" at the club?! Apparently.
Snickers seems to think lighting up some candles and placing them around the club is going to help kill some of the moisture and add some heat.  I argued that his idea was nonsense, the club is way too massive for these candles to have any real effect, but he's consistent with believing they help.  They've helped to add a nice smell to the club and tonight, when he turned off some of the main lights, they certainly added a warm, cozy, romantic feeling to the space.  Snickers was all proud of his newly added candles and ended up making some of the members train by candlelight.  It was too funny and he was way too happy. 

SURPRISE #5: Pyen Chi bathes herself in hot chocolate mix... the house AND WHITE SOFA too!!!
Returning home early from work only meant I spent that extra hour off cleaning up after Pyen Chi.  She had discovered a tin of hot chocolate mix on our counter and had decided it'd be her new toy.  Well, I'm not too sure how long her "new toy" lasted but I arrived home to it EVERYWHERE!!!  And with a white couch, wow, what NOT a cool welcoming to come home.  There were chocolate foot prints all over the white leather couch but only Pyen Chi seemed to be bathed in it.  Both Pacquiao and Balboa were hot chocolate mix fur-free.  I called up the vet and he reassured me that it was ok considering most of the mix amount was either on the floor or on Pyen Chi's fur plus the fact that hot chocolate mix isn't 100% chocolate.  This particular mix is mixed with powdered creamer.  Took me a good 45 minutes to vacuum up the powder and to wash the floors and furniture.  I didn't even bother to wash Pyen Chi; she can walk around shamelessly dirty until Snickers decides it's too embarrassing to have her sporting drink mix on her paws, chest and face.
SURPRISE #6: Our newest baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We ended work early tonight on account Snickers had the lengthy drive up to Incheon to pick up our new baby -- a Sportage SUV.  She's yet to be named but at exactly 2:57am, after a four hour drive, our beautiful girl arrived safely to Cheonan to be labelled officially ours.  She's not super big with extra seats like Bronco or Lady Ghini but she comes fully loaded with lots of goodies, like two sunroofs and a push button start up for the engine!!! 

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