As the story has it, one day I headed to the opposite side of the globe – the Flipside. I arrived in Korea February 16th, 2005 and thought I’d do a year, then leave. I was wrong. I stayed, launched my first company, Flipside Fitness, and then opened Korea's largest boxing club, Hulk's Boxing (now called Hulk's Club).

After 11.5yrs in Korea, I then picked up one day and returned to Toronto, Canada. But then I left again.

Now I live in the Philippines where I am the CEO and head coach of Empowered Clubhouse, the Philippines' first and only boxing clubhouse exclusively just for women. I also am the founder of the Lil' Sistas Project, CEO and designer of Slay Gear and Baa Baa Black Sheep .Ph.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Five Things You May not Know... Thursday, November 14

I was recently tagged on Facebook to do a list of five random things people may not know about me but I thought it'd be funny to do one about my four-legged babies -- Pyen Chi and the K-Bere brothers.
Five things you may not know about Pyen Chi:
1.  She practices a raw food diet, consisting of raw meat, spinach, bananas and eggs mixed in with some kibble.  She keeps her teeth clean by chewing on raw pig bones instead of keeping us crazy by occasionally chewing on random crown molding and TV remotes.

2.  She was given as a wedding gift and her full name is Kim Pyen Chi Bere, Pee Master Beast of Fur. 
3.  Whenever I first greet her, whether it be when I wake up when she's home or when I arrive at Hulk's when she's there, the first thing she always does is jump up on me and place her two hands on my shoulders.  She keeps on jumping up and doing that until I embrace her in a hug -- oh how she loves her hugs and yearns for affection.  She'll even kick you so that you'll pet her!!!

4.  Pyen Chi has a torn muscle in one of her front paws because she stepped on a broken glass bottle someone had so carelessly thrown away.  Consequently, one of her sharp claws sticks up.  It looks like she's pointing at you but it also makes her look tough.
5.  Pyen Chi is the one responsible for opening Snickers' eyes to what it really means to connect with an animal.  And, because of this, still to this day he apologies for not loving Mi Nam more and for thinking I was silly for being so attached to an animal. 
Five things you may not know about Balboa:
1.  Originally thought to be gay, we've come to the realization that his sexual preference are just legs in general and, on occasion, the long nose of any sleeping dog.

2.  He thinks he's being a bad boy rebel by sneaking into the bathrooms to pee in the drain -- both our bathrooms being off-limit to him.  Secretly we love this fact about him and think it's hilarious.

3.  He does not belong to either Snickers nor I. Instead, he was adopted for Pyen Chi as a means of helping her get over the loss of Mi Nam and to help her recover from the depression his passing sparked.

4.  Neither Snickers nor myself are particularly fond of Chihuahuas but we needed to get a dog that wasn't afraid of Pyen Chi.  The "small dog syndrome" Chihuahuas tend to have was what made Balboa the perfect new buddy for Pyen Chi.  And, despite weighing in 43kgs less than Pyen Chi and Pyen Chi being 21x his weight, he is quite confident in taking her on in a play fight.  His signature move is to go in to bite her back leg, then hiding underneath her tummy so that Pyen Chi can't see because of all her own fur.

5.  Sometimes he sleeps with his eyes open.
Five things you may not know about Pacquiao:
1.  His mother is as beautiful as she is dangerous -- she once killed four newborn puppies belonging to another dog's litter.

2.  He suffers from social anxiety and, consequently, he hates being outside with all the noises and he particularly hates meeting new people. He basically only likes those whom he lives with and the place in which he lives in.

3.  He is an avid dreamer, fluttering his legs like he's running and mumbling loudly in his sleep.

4.  He absolutely hates being groomed during shedding season.  But, if you're able to sneak a comb in and comb his fur, he will then try to grab his fur off the comb and eat it.
5.  Unlike Pyen Chi and Balboa who both work at Hulk's, Pacquiao does not and may never.  Instead, he is currently in training to be my running partner and is undergoing extensive leash training right now.
Balboa and Pacquioa eat all the veggies, bananas and eggs Pyen Chi does but they don't particularly favor the meat so we're slowly weening them into it.  We buy a highly recommended brand of food our long-time vet here in Korea has suggested for them and Pyen Chi also enjoys a bit of it in with her raw diet.
Reasons to Make the Switch to a Raw Diet                     
[The below pointers were copy and pasted off of, click here to read.]
1.  Dogs are carnivores. A raw diet is a species appropriate diet. Look at your dog's teeth. They have the teeth of a carnivore.

2.  Dog's digestive systems are different than ours. They have very acidic stomachs that neutralize the bacteria in raw meat. That, along with their heavy bile production, protects them from bacteria that would make you are me sick. By feeding a meat-based diet to your dog you are eliminating stress on their digestive system.

3.  A diet containing raw meats such as beef, chicken, venison, turkey, pork, venison, lamb and others provide the essential nutrients for your dog in a form they can easily digest. They are not losing key enzymes destroyed by the high heat process used in making kibble. Remember that kibble was only invented in the last century. Dogs have been eating raw meat for thousands of years and in the short time kibble has been around dog's digestive systems have not adapted for them to live optimally on a kibble only diet.

4.  Healthier immune system. Because your dog is eating as nature intended, their immune system will be healthier. Dog owners often see a reduction in dry skin and allergy problems, shinier, healthier fur and an increase in energy in their pets.

5.  Cleaner Teeth. The gnawing and chewing that meat and bones provide dental stimulation and help remove tarter and keep teeth cleaner.

6.  Important minerals. Raw bones contain calcium, phosphorus and trace minerals, important nutrients for your dog. The majority of the bone meal purchased by pet food manufacturers comes from China or Thailand. I don't know about you, but I tend to avoid any ingredients coming from China because of safety concerns, including high levels of heavy metals.

7.  The gnawing and chewing also satisfies dog's innate need to chew. It provides positive mental stimulation.

8.  You know exactly what your dog is eating. This is an important point. Do you REALLY know what is in that high end kibble you pay big bucks for? Remember that anything in a bag is processed and the labeling laws for pet food are rather lax. Even though the label says no preservatives added, they may already be in the individual ingredients before the manufacturer combines them at the final stage.

9.  Veterinary schools typically only teach about commercial diets, they are not taught about species appropriate diets. Sadly, many vets are against raw meat diets because they just haven't learned enough about them.

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