As the story has it, one day I headed to the opposite side of the globe – the Flipside. I arrived in Korea February 16th, 2005 and thought I’d do a year, then leave. I was wrong. I stayed, launched my first company, Flipside Fitness, and then opened Korea's largest boxing club, Hulk's Boxing (now called Hulk's Club).

After 11.5yrs in Korea, I then picked up one day and returned to Toronto, Canada. But then I left again.

Now I live in the Philippines where I am the CEO and head coach of Empowered Clubhouse, the Philippines' first and only boxing clubhouse exclusively just for women. I also am the founder of the Lil' Sistas Project, CEO and designer of Slay Gear and Baa Baa Black Sheep .Ph.

Monday, December 09, 2013

A Christmas Club Rule for the Festive Season... Monday, December 9

You best believe it they trained to Christmas carols tonight!!!  In line with the Christmas spirit and festive time of year, I've made a new rule at Hulk's..

Before 2pm and after 11:30pm, 
Christmas carols WILL be played. 
(So if you happen to be there training, deal with it!!!)

We don't actually open until 2pm but we go there early to set-up and quickly clean.  Members have been coming super early though; they've caught on to the fact we come early.  Consequently, our relaxing set-up time before the work day turns into us running around like chickens with our heads cut off, scrambling to do things before early members are finished changing into their training clothes.  Today I decided that hey, if they're going to come in early and interrupt our needed set-up time, that's fine, but I will not give up my Christmas carols.  They're just going to have to train through them, yup, that's right.  Same goes for those who show up late for training.  At 11:30pm, I tune into a favourite Christmas playlist on 8Tracks and blast Christmas pop.  

I love Christmas carols and hearing them is like hearing someone sing me the Birthday song, I just can't help but smile and feel good.  And I need them to keep me feeling happy-go-lucky at the end of a long day when members show up with an inappropriately short time to train -- they know we'll stay late.  Snickers and I are now responsible for driving two female members home, it's a kind of deal we made with them, but they show up at exactly 11:22pm and dilly-dally with getting ready for training.  I figure if I have to continually close the club late because of them and then drive all the way out to the farthest possible corner of Cheonan to drop them off, then me insisting on Christmas carols at Christmas time isn't much to ask for.  And, like I always joke, if they have a problem then they can take it up with management.  Oh wait, that's me... hahahaha.

By the time we closed up Hulk's tonight, it was after 12:30am, we then had to drop off the two girls and another member.  The two gals work at Samsung so they live in the apartment complex out there in the boonies.  At 1:30am we finally started heading home, to our home.  

Snickers had this random idea to have wine party tonight -- a party for two.  We had a few bottles of wine that Cutie Patootie gave us and another close friend bought us but we had no kind of side dishes to go with it.  I told Snickers cheese and crackers went with wine so thus started our hunt for cheese.  Cheese isn't really easy to find in Korea especially when it's creeping up to 2am.  

Searched and found, viola!!!

By the time we got home and prepared our little wine and cracker couple party, it was about 2:30am.  We set up a little table on the top of our bed and lit some candles.  It was quite cozy and romantic.  I can't remember the last time I drank wine but I knew better than to not take more than a small glass worth.  

Over wine, crackers and cheese, we then talked about our Christmas wishes.  Last year I had made four wishes and only one came true.

My 2012 Christmas wishes:
1.  Snickers to let me keep Pacquiao.
2.  Get our boxing club.
3.  Buy my father a plane ticket to Korea.
4.  Show Snickers a REAL Christmas with all the snow and fixings -- spend Christmas 2013 in Canada.

Paquiao was never intended to become a part of our family, we were simply nursing his foot back to health.  He was supposed to go live with K-Gere and he did, but then he returned and I fell in love with him.  Snickers just couldn't bring himself to make me part with Pac.  As for our boxing club, obviously we cleared that wish successfully.  The funny thing though is we never did get the building we fought for months for.    Talk about an ironic turn of events though because instead we got a building that was much larger -- a building we thought we could never afford.  As for my third wish, we've told my father about us wanting to bring him over here but after 9 years of asking him to visit and his refusal of a plane ticket, I've pretty much have come to terms with the fact that he will never come.  Nine years and the only family I've had come visit was a cousin who was passing through on a honeymoon.  This harsh realization has brought upon the hopes for my fourth wish because though I miss my friends and family in Canada, I'm getting rather sick and tired of always being the expected one to visit.  Before it used to be the costs involved -- plane tickets and spending money -- and our dogs that held us back.  Balboa is easy to manage but you don't dog sit Pyen Chi, a 45kg Tibetan Mastiff.  You babysit or get controlled by her.  But now it's Hulk's.  We're still a young business -- it's our baby -- and we don't think it's appropriate nor do we care to take a big chunk of time off work to travel to Canada.  More importantly however, we want to share Hulk's with family and friends, and well, we can't exactly bring Hulk's with us to Canada.  

My 2013 Christmas wishes:
1.  Adidas Adipower boxing boots.
2.  A rowing machine for Hulk's.
3.  A house.  
4.  A real Christmas tree for Christmas 2014.

I need new boxing boots as it stands and, well, the Adidas Adipower boxing boots are a-m-a-z-i-n-g!!!  They were created for the 2012 London Olympics but I argue that they were created just for me because of the specifics of it.  It's a full length, mesh boot that has a sturdy spine for extra ankle support -- hello, my feet sweat like a mofo so they need this breathable material and hello my weak ankles need this extra support!!!  It's a match made in Heaven kind of boot.  As for the rowing machine, well, I used to be a kind of rowing machine junkie back in Canada at my old gym and I've yet to find a gym in Korea with one.  Now that I have my own training facility, it'd be nice to add a beloved rowing machine and share it with our Hulkies.  

My third wish is for a house.  I'm way, way, WAY over living downtown and being the kind of go-to neighbourhood watch for my neighbours to call up in the middle of the night when any drama goes down.  Moreover, I work all day with loud voices, loud music and people always around me.  It'd be nice to leave work and just disconnect myself from everyone and everything.  I want a place that's not so far from downtown but one that's not so close either -- a place where my dogs can have a yard to safely run around in and traffic-free roads I can run on.  And as for me wishing for a real Christmas tree, that seems to be harder than it sounds.  I want to go old school ghetto next year and trek up some mountain to chop one down.  It'll stand majestically in Hulk's entrance because it'll be ridiculously big.  It's large needles will make a mess all over our Hulk floor but it'll make Hulk's smell like Christmas.  To me, Christmas smells like a real pine tree, a fire and homemade mom's cookies.  So far I've yet to experience any of these three smells at Christmas in Korea and I don't care for it to continue.  I may never have a real fire place in Korea but our coal thingy-a-ma-diggy is a nice runner up so it kind of takes care of one of the smells but next year I want a real tree.  No runner up fake tree.

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