As the story has it, one day I headed to the opposite side of the globe – the Flipside. I arrived in Korea February 16th, 2005 and thought I’d do a year, then leave. I was wrong. I stayed, launched my first company, Flipside Fitness, and then opened Korea's largest boxing club, Hulk's Boxing (now called Hulk's Club).

After 11.5yrs in Korea, I then picked up one day and returned to Toronto, Canada. But then I left again.

Now I live in the Philippines where I am the CEO and head coach of Empowered Clubhouse, the Philippines' first and only boxing clubhouse exclusively just for women. I also am the founder of the Lil' Sistas Project, CEO and designer of Slay Gear and Baa Baa Black Sheep .Ph.

Saturday, December 07, 2013

Friends with Benefits disguised as a Married Couple... Saturday, December 7

One of my friends from back in Canada just recently got engaged and on her Facebook page she had noted a link to a cute list of questions that couples supposedly are encouraged to figure out and agree upon before getting married.  Having been married now for over three and a half years, I thought I'd take the time to answer the questions myself.  Here are the questions and here are the answers.

1. Does the toilet paper go over or under the roll?
US:  It's whatever I, Amy, does because Snickers usually gets sneaky and uses the other bathroom when the one runs out.

2. Cats? Dogs? Both?
US:  Definitely ONLY dogs... cats don't have the personality and dependency on their own like dogs so we're not really interested in cats as a pet.

3. Can you eat breakfast for dinner?
AMY:  Yes, definitely.
SNICKERS:  What breakfast?!  No, because that would mean I wouldn't eat dinner.

4. Cold pizza: yes or no?
US:  Pizza only once in a blue moon and when it enters the house it doesn't last long before it's wolfed down.

5. Is it acceptable to open presents as they arrive or do you have to wait for the actual birthday or holiday?
AMY:  Unacceptable, must wait.
SNICKERS:  Present... I have to buy presents?! [note here, he's brutal for not really buying any].

6. Should the dirty forks and knives go in the dishwasher with the handle sticking out of the utensil tray or down in the utensil tray?
US:  We have NO forks, only 2 knives and NO dishwasher.

7. Is it acceptable to leave dishes in the sink to "soak" overnight, or do they need to be cleaned before bed?
AMY: I like to clean right after my meal and often will wash those I used to prepare it even before I eat.
SNICKERS:  I get away with using the "but-they're-soaking" card even when it's just a cup.

8. Toothpaste: cap on or cap off?
US:  Doesn't matter, we use two different toothpastes.  Snickers likes his Korean sweet toothpaste and I'm a hardcore Crest fan.

9. Again on the toothpaste: roll it from the bottom or just squeeze really hard?
US:  Again, doesn't matter because we both have our own toothpaste.

10. Are towels a one-time use item or do you use the same towel until laundry day?
US:  Neither, we use them until they are either too wet (didn't dry from last use) or have become dirty.

11. How about washcloths?
US:  What washcloth?!  We don't have any.

12. Road trip or flying?
US:  Depends to where.  We love our random road trips but we can't exactly road trip it out to Canada.

13. What's the right thread count for sheets?
US:  That's easy, we have no sheets.

14. What brand of toilet paper?
US:  What ever Emart has on sale.

15. Mayo or Miracle Whip?
US:  Neither.  We're not interested in digesting a heart attack thanks.

16. Pepsi or Coke?
US:  Neither, unless that is Snickers has a fight he's cutting weight for and then it's all about Coke.

17. Can you eat the holiday candy out in the display bowl or must it be left there for display?
US:  Holiday candy out on display... wait, what?!  No candy in the house and definitely no such display bowl.

18. What is YOUR definition of camping?
US:  Pitching a tent beach side and bagging some toilet paper if there's no public bathroom nearby or garbage can.

19. Turn the thermostat down when you go out or leave it alone?
US:  Turn it off but we don't usually use it.

20. At what point is a garbage bag too full to stuff more trash in it?
US:  I [Amy] take care of the trash collection and then Snickers gets told when to take it out.

21. How many times is it acceptable to hit the snooze button?
US:  This requires us to use an alarm clock and that basically only happens once a week.  The snooze button is only allowed to be used and abused until it starts to frustrate the other person who gets to sleep in.

22. Thrift store shopping: great deals or gross?
US:  No thrift store in our area, that we know of, so question is irrelevant.

23. How far in advance is it OK to plan a vacation?
US:  As far as I, Amy, wants to plan it.

24. Restaurant reservations: necessary or too restrictive?
US:  What Korean restaurant really requires reservations?!  Exactly.

25. Roller coasters: love 'em or hate 'em?
AMY:  Love them but hate that one out in Ansung.
SNICKERS:  Love them, especially that one out in Ansung.

26. More chocolate chips, less cookie or more cookie, less chips?
US:  NO chocolate chips or cookies.  We rarely buy snack food like cookies and chips but when we do, it really doesn't matter because they're a rare treat so we don't complain.

27. How much orange juice must be left in the container for it to be returned to the fridge?
US:  NO orange juice.  We're not fans of any juice.

28. Chip clips or just roll the bag up?
US:  NO chips and when we do buy them once in a blue moon, their fate is exactly that of pizza -- it gets gobbled down in one shot.

29. Call the doctor or just take some medicine at home?
AMY:  Neither.  Visiting the doctor in Korea is almost always means a needle in the bum, which is just probably extra vitamin C, and as far as I'm concerned always depending on medicine just builds up my tolerance to them.  I rather wait it out or go for a run to sweat it out.
SNICKERS:  Take some medicine.

30. Where is the prime location for the TV remote to stay?
US:  Has to be on top of the TV.  If not, it WILL be eaten by one of our four-legged family members.

31. Is it OK to have a TV in the bedroom?
US:  No, we prefer the bedroom to be for sleeping or "entertaining" private one-to-one parties;)

32. Should folded clothes be put away, or is it OK to just pull as needed from the basket of clean laundry?
AMY:  Eventually I'll either pull the clothes off the dryer rack to put away or tell Snickers to do so.
SNICKERS:  If Amy doesn't put them away, she'll tell me when it's time I should.

33. Do you need to write a grocery list or just wait until you're walking around the store to figure out what you need?
AMY:  Grocery list... love my lists!
SNICKERS:  Use Amy's grocery list and then throw in random extras.

34. Making the bed: must-do or waste of time because you're just going to get back in it?
US:  Make the bed upon waking up.

35. Is it OK to shave/clip toenails in the living room?
US:  Shave toenails, say what?!  Clipping toenails is for the bathroom only, thanks.

The questions are definitely not ones you'd expect and are rather silly but I thought it was cute.  I do think however that there are set things couples should figure out where each other stands -- religion, family, money, future, and work.  And before I got married I found where Snickers stood on them -- on the opposite side of me.  We don't necessarily share the same view points on any of the above five areas and that's the irony of us as a couple.  They say often opposites attract and surely we are a prime example of that.  We're so different but it's these differences that have surely added some spice and interest to us being together.  We see things quite opposite and, though we're a couple, we have definitely maintained our own unique individual ideas and life style.  Sure, we have our couple date nights and whatnot but I am still very much the person I was before I got married, I just have a partner in crime now and am no longer flying solo through life.  I joke with friends sometimes and tell them it feels like I have a permanent roommate who follows me from house to house, a kind of friend-with-benefits, because we're not a typical couple.  

Three and a half years later and I still don't really cook for Snickers.  Sure we eat together but he makes his meal and I make mine because he doesn't like my food and I don't like his.  I put on the grocery list the things I need and he adds in his items.  Even when we have our morning coffee together, I make one specific coffee for him -- the coffee he likes -- but then go and make a totally different kind for myself.  We see totally different on so many different issues.  Take for example boxing.  I started boxing as a means of self defense and then I continued doing so in Korea because it gave me a sense of identity and a second family -- my teammates and coach.  But Snickers, he started boxing as a means of making a name and life for himself when he was doing hard time.  It was a means out of the life others expected him to continue traveling.  He now loves boxing but he didn't care for it when he first started.  If he was as good at baseball as he is at boxing than he'd be doing baseball.  

We don't see eye-to-eye on a lot of things that most would expect us to and we don't like the same things.  He likes noodles but that's about the only food I really don't like.  We both don't like birds, but that doesn't really count, and we both love goats and lions, oddly enough.  Personality wise, we're more of a match though. We are both incredibly stubborn to the core and very silly.  

I tried to think of a list of things we have in common, things we both really like, and I came up with three things -- dogs, eating chicken and boxing.  Perhaps this is why we have three notoriously known, overly adored dogs, and are always hosting random chicken parties at our boxing club... hahaha.

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