As the story has it, one day I headed to the opposite side of the globe – the Flipside. I arrived in Korea February 16th, 2005 and thought I’d do a year, then leave. I was wrong. I stayed, launched my first company, Flipside Fitness, and then opened Korea's largest boxing club, Hulk's Boxing (now called Hulk's Club).

After 11.5yrs in Korea, I then picked up one day and returned to Toronto, Canada. But then I left again.

Now I live in the Philippines where I am the CEO and head coach of Empowered Clubhouse, the Philippines' first and only boxing clubhouse exclusively just for women. I also am the founder of the Lil' Sistas Project, CEO and designer of Slay Gear and Baa Baa Black Sheep .Ph.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Paying it Forward... Sunday, December 29

Upon seeing me use the water from the club's filtered water tower to wash my hands, I was automatically labelled a princess from one watching.  Upon this very person attempting to wash his hands in our club bathroom, they realized why I had done what I did.

The pipes at Hulk's are frozen... completely frozen and by pipes I mean ALL of them.

Upon realizing the situation, we called a friend to help us out.  One phone call to one friend and next thing the club was buzzing with friends all eager to help out and see what they could do.  Some moved the coals around the club while another brought a spare space heater and then, after we finished work, another treated us all to a feast of a meal at his sushi restaurant.  It was while I sat around the table overflowing with sushi, surrounded by such faithful friends, that I decided something.

I've decided that yes, we're going to take on and help Snickers' troubled friend, as in the young guy I wrote about on Friday.   His name translates to jewel, as in jewelry, but because Snickers didn't know the English word he told me treasure.  We've nicknamed him Treasure Boy, T-Boy for short.

Snickers and I have an amazing group of friends -- "the K-Crew", as I like to call them -- and I know either of us can call any one of them up in the middle of the night for help and they'd come, no questions asked.  I remember back when I got hit by a taxi while driving my scooter, some 3 years ago now.  I didn't really know where I was but I called up one of my buddies and within 15 minutes he had left work, showed up, and so did the handful of other guys he had called. I've been blessed with an extremely faithful and super trustworthy group of friends, my K-Crew, and if they are this awesome to me then perhaps I should share their awesomeness with someone who really needs it.

As I've been learning more about T-Boy and more and more shocking details have been revealed to me, the more I am eager to help him.   I must have asked a billion-zillion questions about him but about half of the answers to my questions have left me shocked and coming up with more questions.  He has some story to tell.  His hard time started well before he was forced to do hard time behind bars and, as heartbreaking as his story is, I can't help but wish to help him make a happy ending for it.  I know many people will surely disapprove of what we want to do, especially if they knew the nitty gritty of his life, and I know there will be many who will tell us to watch ourselves but that's ok.  There will always be people who are going to disapprove and I live my life according to what I think is right and fair.  And at this point, this point where I know so much about him and his hardships, I refuse to add to his hard times by refusing to help him out. 

He's an over aged orphan that even the orphanage can no longer help. He's got no where to live, no family, no job, and no one willing to give him that break to help him make a life for himself.  Well, now he has us and all the awesome friends that come along with us.  On Tuesday he will be making his way to Cheonan to see Snickers and to meet me for the very first time. 

I have such high hopes for 2014 with T-Roy being a part of them now.  WOW President, our leading club sponsor, was nothing but supportive when we told him about T-Roy and so it's just so amazing to see how his support for us as young entrepreneurs has really stretched beyond just the business level. 

I already have such high hopes for T-Roy and we're eager and willing to help him out but there is a smidgen of fear at the back of my mind that maybe those who will tell us don't do it will be right.   I mean, we're really nose-diving into this on the notion that he even accepts our help and doesn't take it for granted.  We can't afford to hire him full time but we're busy setting up things for him.  We have part time work for him at Hulk's and are arranging for additional extra work outside of the club, with a local business.  We have a means of transportation for him and also a place for him to stay.  Come this Tuesday, I may be taking on the responsibility of looking after a 26 year old.  I find the whole thing rather exciting, helping someone make a life, and in a way I feel it is kind of like me getting the chance to be someone's WOW.  Our sponsor, WOW President, has supported us like none other.  He didn't even know my name when he told us he could financially help us out.  Of course the creation of Hulk's was thanks to the support and encouragement of many but NO ONE'S support, not even that of my own family or Snicker's family, can compare to that of the support received from WOW President.  There are no words to express how blessed we are to have him and no one but us will even know, understand or appreciate just how extreme his support really is.

What I can do for T-Boy will never ever begin to compare to that of WOW's support but I can try -- we can try.  Everyone needs a break and everyone needs someone to give them a break.  Our big break came when WOW walked into our lives, perhaps it's our chance to do so for someone else.  Perhaps now is our chance to pay it forward. 

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