As the story has it, one day I headed to the opposite side of the globe – the Flipside. I arrived in Korea February 16th, 2005 and thought I’d do a year, then leave. I was wrong. I stayed, launched my first company, Flipside Fitness, and then opened Korea's largest boxing club, Hulk's Boxing (now called Hulk's Club).

After 11.5yrs in Korea, I then picked up one day and returned to Toronto, Canada. But then I left again.

Now I live in the Philippines where I am the CEO and head coach of Empowered Clubhouse, the Philippines' first and only boxing clubhouse exclusively just for women. I also am the founder of the Lil' Sistas Project, CEO and designer of Slay Gear and Baa Baa Black Sheep .Ph.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Pesky Parkers and One Sweet Driver... Friday, December 20

Ahhh those pesky parkers.  With the massive downfall of yesterday's snow, I had to shovel the side parking lot.  I actually don't mind it really and rather enjoy having to do it because I love the snow and there's definitely a sense of pride I feel knowing it's one of my responsibilities as a business owner.  Things that would otherwise annoy me or seem a waste of time to me bring me joy and pride because it is our business, our dream.  Shoveling the snow wasn't the problem, the pesky parkers parking and blocking me from shoveling was.  There were four pesky parkers.  I called three of them but only one picked up my call so I message the others.  I was nice, I gave them a full five minutes and it was now creeping up to almost 10 minutes.  Then the Hulk in me surfaced.  

After almost a full ten minutes and no pesky parker coming out to move their car, I decided to take matters into my own hands.  And what better way, or so I thought, to release the Hulk in me by shoveling the snow unto the cars.  Yup, that's what I did. Call me evil, call me immature, but trust me, after a couple of shovels full of snow, those pesky parkers came running to stop me.  I knew some of them were in the neighbouring shops and I assumed some of them may have been in the corner restaurant, all places where they could see me and see their car.  Two of the pesky parkers were young guys.  One quickly moved his car while the other started to hit on me when he realized I was a foreigner.  I scooped up some snow and started counting from five down, hinting that he had only five seconds to get into his car and move, which he quickly clued into and did.  The third pesky parker was an older man who came out yelling at me.  I didn't even bother to respond to him, instead I started counting from 5 down, extra loud.  By the time I got to 1 he was in his car and pulling out of our parking lot.  The fourth pesky parker never did respond.  Their car stayed there all day and even after I left at 1am it was there actually.  Ended up barricading the car in a wall of snow.  

Pesky parkers are my ULTIMATE pet peeve and members know it too because with every random pesky parker that parks in our parking lot, they tell ME and not Snickers.  They run to the side parking lot window to watch as I run outside and confront the pesky parkers.  Apparently me getting worked up is entertaining to them.  Though I must admit, it amuses me too sometimes, after the fact that is.

Everyday lol
I guess me Hulking out over those pesky parkers was certainly deserving of being one of those "You'll never believe what I just saw" moments for my members.  Sometimes I'm convinced some of them purposely hope a pesky parker parks in our lot.  I'm convinced of it because I've even had a couple of members do it themselves -- park a friend's car and then wait for my phone call.  Silly Hulkies, getting me all worked up for their entertainment.  I guess it's a bit of revenge for me pushing them at training... hahaha.

Speaking of those "You'll never believe what I just saw" moments, today I definitely had more than one of those moments.  Hulk's is cold, there's no denying it, but not every member warms themselves up the same way.  While most hang out by the coal thingy-a-ma-jiggy, others simply wear extra layers and one has added a winter hat to accompany his training shorts and t-shirt -- very cute I must note.  Many quickly get to training to warm up but tonight one particular member decided to add dancing to his warm-up and his dance moves were, how do you say, a bit "interesting".  He called his warm-up dance "taking a shower" and yes, judging by the moves he pulled, he does wash all two thousand and one body parts... hahahaha.

It was a long day, filled with many pesky parkers and a couple of solid "You'll never believe what I just saw" moments but it was also filled with a continuation of friends and Hulkies sending their sweet regards to Snickers and I regarding our recent loss.  A couple of my friends stopped by Hulks to say hi and I was really touched by that, more than perhaps they know.  I ended up closing up the club late because a couple of our members came to training late.  It was 1am when I went to lock the doors of Hulk's and that's when a car pulled up to Hulk's.  Out of the driver's side jumped one of my members who has been away because of university.  He ran up the stairs of Hulk's and greeted me with a huge smile.  I asked if he missed Snickers and I and he said, "No, I miss Amy only!"  I knew he missed Snickers too but thought his response was too cute.  He ended up driving me home.  It was definitely an unexpected end to my day and quite a nice surprise to the 14 hour day I had just had.  With Snickers still at the funeral home, I had to do all our errands this morning by myself but with it not being scooter weather and Snickers forgetting our club cash purse in the car he drove out to Icheon in, I had to do all our errands by foot.  The warm drive home was definitely a perfect way to cap off the long day.

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