As the story has it, one day I headed to the opposite side of the globe – the Flipside. I arrived in Korea February 16th, 2005 and thought I’d do a year, then leave. I was wrong. I stayed, launched my first company, Flipside Fitness, and then opened Korea's largest boxing club, Hulk's Boxing (now called Hulk's Club).

After 11.5yrs in Korea, I then picked up one day and returned to Toronto, Canada. But then I left again.

Now I live in the Philippines where I am the CEO and head coach of Empowered Clubhouse, the Philippines' first and only boxing clubhouse exclusively just for women. I also am the founder of the Lil' Sistas Project, CEO and designer of Slay Gear and Baa Baa Black Sheep .Ph.

Thursday, January 09, 2014

Karma Stops by Hulk's... Thursday, January 9

Karma finally showed up on the steps of Hulk's, allowing me to witness her in action instead of always wishing and wanting her to do so.  As many, many people know, probably my biggest pet peeve at Hulk's are those pesky parkers.  I deal with them on a daily bases and they drive me absolutely bonkers -- BONKERS!!!  In the seven months that I've been dealing with such pesky parkers, I have only had ONE pesky parker apologise to me.  I've had pesky parkers try to bribe me with money, one who tried to hit on me, another who spat on me, two who have pushed me, and a couple who have tried to fight me, all over a parking lot that's clearly not for them to park in.  I mean if a 18ft by 6ft yellow sign doesn't scream it loud enough than I don't know what could.

Karma showed up today and if that wasn't awesome enough, her very rare appearance, she showed up twice!  Twice in one day.  She first came on the scene when one of our pesky parkers approached me at the juice bar.  He had parked his car just outside of our club the other day and on that day, after he ignored answering my phone call to move his car, I had texted him and then posted a large no-parking sign on his window.  He ignored me totally but then today he came into the club asking me for a big favor.  What had happened was his parked car had been hit and our security cameras obviously must have caught it on tape because of how they're situated.  

I'm going to interrupt my story here to note that I've never ever claimed to be a nice person.  I consider myself to be more borderline sweet than nice but often I'm a bit sour.  If I had to describe myself, I'd say I'm overly sarcastic, extremely driven and passionate about what I do, have an energy level of a 12 year old and often a maturity and a patience level of one too when it comes to people who deserve more of a kick to the head than my time, effort and attention.  Perhaps I am too stubborn to be just considered stubborn but I'll never include the adjective "nice" in my description.  I'm thankful that my husband can't really write in English because I'm sure he'd comment here on my homepage and repeat some overly sarcastic nasty things I've said.  He now knows what "penis envy" is because I've told him numerous times I sometimes have it.  Yup, it's true.  Usually once or twice a day I blurt out the same thing -- "If I had a penis, I'd pee all over the cars of those pesky parkers, that'd teach them not to park there!"  Of course it wouldn't teach them not to park there.  It'd teach them just how immature I can be and would send the message that there's some foreign female with some serious bodily and mental concerns... hahaha.  Point here, I'm not nice.  I have my nice moments though but when dealing with those pesky parkers, oh gosh, not the time for one to expect me to have such a moment.

Back to the story...

So this pesky parker comes in, complaining that someone hit his car and asking me to go over what could be up to two and a half hours of recorded security camera footage.  I rolled my eyes at that request and gave a little giggle.  This was where Snickers stepped in -- he's the nice one.  I wasn't about to drop everything and sit in front of our office computer to watch the security tapes for him.  Even if the tapes were watched in fast forward, watching two hours worth of footage for what may very well be a three second situation could take a long time.  Snickers was nice though and, instead of arguing with me to do it, he allowed the man to sit in our office and watch it himself -- this was the compromise we thought best.  It still meant I had to teach the man how to use the security system.  Almost two hours later, the guy had got what he had come for.  As it turned out, a local delivery truck had clipped his car, stuck his head out to do a double check, and then drove away.  Because it was a local delivery truck, all he had to do now was call up the company and find out who had made a delivery in this area at that specific time -- problem solved.  He was all super smiley and happy leaving Hulk's, knowing that he had figured it out, but leave it to me to throw in some humble pie for him to chew on.  "Maybe next time you won't park where you're not supposed to." I told him.  

I can't say I felt bad for the guy because I didn't and if that makes me a mean person than so be it.  I'm way over dealing with these pesky parkers so ya, I did find the situation amusing.  Snickers helping him out though was very nice of him but I teased Snickers, telling him that he was going against karma.  

The second appearance of karma came today when one pesky parker parked in our side lot and then another one came and also parked.  The way that the second pesky parker parked though was in such a way that it was blocking the first pesky parker from being able to leave.  Now in Korea, most drivers post their phone numbers on their dashboard for when situations exactly like this happen but, as karma would have it, the second pesky parker didn't have a number... oh darn and so the drama started!  The first pesky parker was ticked when he found this out.  He came stomping into Hulk's, insisting whomever was blocking his car to move it.  It wasn't one of our members though.  We all then raced to the side window to watch as this particular pesky parker appeared to be cursing his head off and kicking up the dirt.  I take it he had some place to go and time was ticking.  Finally, after about twenty minutes, the second pesky parker returned to his car... and leave it to me to join them in the parking lot.  They had a bit of a "swear-off", exchanging nasty words and evil eyes.  I just stood there, arms crossed and shaking my head.  When they finally piped down I spoke up.  I pointed to the no parking sign and, in my best annoying teacher's voice ever, I yelled out "Let's read this huge yellow sign together, ok... 1, 2, 3, start!" By the time I got to three they got the hint but I added "either take your fight to my ring or get out my parking lot!" just for added effect.

Thank you karma, for letting me be witness to you looking after us little business owners and giving back a little bit of wrong to those who so often give it to us.

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