As the story has it, one day I headed to the opposite side of the globe – the Flipside. I arrived in Korea February 16th, 2005 and thought I’d do a year, then leave. I was wrong. I stayed, launched my first company, Flipside Fitness, and then opened Korea's largest boxing club, Hulk's Boxing (now called Hulk's Club).

After 11.5yrs in Korea, I then picked up one day and returned to Toronto, Canada. But then I left again.

Now I live in the Philippines where I am the CEO and head coach of Empowered Clubhouse, the Philippines' first and only boxing clubhouse exclusively just for women. I also am the founder of the Lil' Sistas Project, CEO and designer of Slay Gear and Baa Baa Black Sheep .Ph.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Knocking Some Sense into Those Who Need Some... Sunday, January 19

Turns out I was wrong... Friday was our busiest work day this year so far and not just our busiest Free Train Friday.  Well, that's excluding our actual first official day back to work that is, but I vouch that that day doesn't count.  An all-out competitive and controversial sparing challenge happened that day with a daily attendance total of 53.

I was mistaken thinking that today being Sunday would mean it'd be a slow day -- wrong, so wrong.  With Snickers off at Boy Wonder's business grand opening party, I managed the club by myself.  It wasn't that there were so many who came out to training but instead it was the steady stream of new comers who all were relying on me to make up circuits and training routines on the spot.  

Most of those who came out today were females and boy do these gals kick butt!!! Seriously, never in my nine years here in Korea have I seen so many Korean women pushing it at training, especially with the weight training.  I am no longer the one girl lifting the weights and slaving away at the sandbags.  You really have no idea what this does to a girl like me; it is simply inspiring. 

There is one young gal that I have particularly made it my mission to make her succeed.  When she first arrived at Hulk's, she trained comfortably and shied away from weight training.  She was very much an anti-weight training kind of girl, convinced that it'd bulk her up, rob her of her feminine curves and make her manly looking.  She's not a lone in thinking this though and I should note that a lot of females think this same way, especially Korean females. There seems to be a preoccupation, almost an obsession actually, Korean females have with weight.  Many have a fascination with weight, as in the number on the scale.

The number on the scale means nothing...N-O-T-H-I-N-G!!!

49 apparently is the "magic" number for many women in Korea and I wonder what they think will come their way once they've achieved it.  Surely they don't think it will promise them beauty, a dream man, a better job, or even happiness.  I was 47kgs, mind you it was for a fight in Japan but nonetheless I was 47. I actually got down to 46.3kgs and then returned once again to 48kgs for a later fight.  And, to tell you the truth, never have I felt nastier or more unattractive in my life.  What used to be tight leggings became loose and sagged, my eyes appeared to have sunken into my face, and don't even get me started about the disappearing act both my butt and boobs ("volume" as Snickers calls them) did.  The only "volume" I had in my shirt was the padding in my bra.  Having had dropped so low in my weight, I honestly have a pure disgust in men who are attracted to such skinny women.  Bones are not sexy... nor are they comfortable if you're sporting the bony figure and participating in "couple extra curricular" activities!  I feel sorry for those bony girls, they don't even know what they're missing!

"You're 49kgs so you must be great", said no one ever!!!
Weight is overrated. 
Calculating and knowing your body fat percentage, now that's where it's at!!!

Trying to educate our members and particularly get the female Hulkies to change their thinking has been somewhat challenging.  Every new member gets weighed and then I sit down with them to discus an appropriate and realistic weight that's based on and focuses around their body fat weight and percentage.  It's simply unrealistic for a woman of 65kg and with an already acceptable body fat percentage of 28% to want to get down to 49kgs.  For her to do so, considering her current measurements (weight and body fat), it would mean she'd have to sport 0.03% body fat to weigh in at 49kgs.  The essential body fat for women is between 12-15% so obviously a 0.03% is beyond ridiculous (and thus such a woman, as far as I am concerned, is deserving of mean old hook to the head as a means of knocking some sense into her).

[And yes, for the record, I am being sarcastic here... relax.  Don't get your panties in a bunch.]

So, anyways, back to this particular young gal.  I am happy to not that I have been successful in changing her thinking, so successful in fact that she now ONLY does weight training and she insists on training only with me.  She's a young girl but very much image conscious, so much so that just recently she went in for a second cosmetic surgery.  The fact that her parents funded it and even supported it was beyond me, she's super cute as it is, but now they're funding her to train with me.  The other day I made her hand over her bathroom scale.  I was going to get her to take my hammer to it, to put to rest her morning obsession over stepping up on it, but I figure that with time her dependency over it will die.  Can't say she's not going through withdrawals though.  Yes, withdrawals over not being able to weigh herself every single day, both in the morning and at night.  She used to often ask me if she could weigh herself on our club scale but has since learnt that I stand firm in my once-a-month weigh in policy and often respond to her questioning with frowned eyebrows and a kick to the tush.  Yes, I've kicked her.  I prefer upper cutting someone to the tush.  It's called tough love and they know I mean well by it.  After all, if I didn't care about my job and believe in what I'm doing, I would have stuck to my 9-5 job that gave me a steady sweet paycheck and wicked holidays instead of a job that's taken all my money, time and effort.  

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