The tournament kicked off with a coaches picture so I headed into the ring to proudly represent Hulk's.
We had five fighters representing Hulk's in this tournament and first up with an older fighter who is just so super cute and super sweet. 

He didn't tell his wife about his fight today and I felt bad because of that. It would have been nice for her to share in his victory and I know he probably wanted her there.
Ten of us had headed to the tournament today -- 5 fighters, 2 coaches, 1 sponsor, and 2 Hulkie cheerleaders.
It was great to have such a positive crew with us that totally represented Hulk's appropriately.
Second up to fight was that of Mouse Doctor.
I tell you, Mouse Doctor may know little to none about boxing but boy does he fight with all his might and all his heart. He totally went into that ring today and gave it his all.
He ended up having two fights today and he won both of them -- mad props to Mouse Doctor!
Two of our younger Hulkies fought today and though they didn't win the fight they definitely won extra respect from us. It takes a lot to step into the ring. People outside of the ring can talk the talk but until you step into the ring, your talk is just talk. It's cheap. Step into the ring and then you can talk.
Our "golden boy" of amateur boxers at Hulk's, Kato, stepped into the ring today.
He went in strong and won. We expected him to win because we know he's that good but it was a close fight and his opponent definitely gave him a good fight.
Kato went on to fight again, later in the evening, and I snapped this amazing shot.
He had punched the guy so hard with a straight that his opponent did a Matrix and flew backwards in the ring.
Our day had started at 6am. Hulkies met up with us at the club at 7am and then we arrived at the tournament location around 8:30am. It was a super long day with the tournament ending at 10:30pm. I told friends we had sat through 11 hours of fight but, as it turns out, it was actually 13 hours of fights. Woozers.
OK, so perhaps we didn't exactly "sit through" 13 hours. We did take very random and very public naps. We had claimed two treadmills "our territory" and that's where we napped.
At 10:30pm we packed up to leave.
Hulk's had 5 fighters participate in 7 games and we had won 5 of them.
It had been a very successful tournament for Hulk's.
Kato added two more victories to his amateur record, bringing it up to 4 victories now, and Mouse Doctor started his amateur record with 2 victories, one of which was a 2nd round TKO.
Here I am posing with Mouse Doctor and the president of K-Beat Boxing (amateur boxing organization).
My favourite moment of the day was this moment right here!!!
Despite the flock of coaches that had showed up for today's tournament (see the above first picture of me in the ring with them all), Snickers was the coach that stood out the most. He won the Coach Recognition award for all his hard work, dedication and passion to coaching his fighters. I was so proud of him because I for one know just how serious he takes his role as coach. He talks about his fighters during our late night pillow talk for goodness sake. He loves his job as coach.
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