As the story has it, one day I headed to the opposite side of the globe – the Flipside. I arrived in Korea February 16th, 2005 and thought I’d do a year, then leave. I was wrong. I stayed, launched my first company, Flipside Fitness, and then opened Korea's largest boxing club, Hulk's Boxing (now called Hulk's Club).

After 11.5yrs in Korea, I then picked up one day and returned to Toronto, Canada. But then I left again.

Now I live in the Philippines where I am the CEO and head coach of Empowered Clubhouse, the Philippines' first and only boxing clubhouse exclusively just for women. I also am the founder of the Lil' Sistas Project, CEO and designer of Slay Gear and Baa Baa Black Sheep .Ph.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Definitely NOT a Day off Training as Expected... Friday, January 23

Fridays used to be my day off training but now they're starting to become my most intense training day.  We have Free Train at the club on Fridays which means members come and do their own training by themselves.  We alternate our Sparring Day and Crossfit Challenger class on Fridays and today we had a Challenger class planned.  Tomorrow we are taking some Hulkies out for a Hulk family fun day -- bowling -- so we won't be hosting Free Train because we anticipate heading out for dinner together after bowling.  I figured with tomorrow us not having Free Train that today I'd indulge in some extra training but perhaps "extra" doesn't quite fit here because it was borderline too much training.

There is definitely a high that comes with training hard, all those increased and released endorphins make you feel good.  Those endorphins are addictive and the feeling you get of knowing you did your body good feels so self-rewarding.  Now I'm a huge pain-junkie when it comes to weight training in that I love the after burn of a good strenuous workout, like the day after leg training when you feel like your butt is stuck in some kind of perma-flex or when it hurts to giggle because of having worked my abs so much with those killer hanging leg raises.  I love it... I love it all... so I guess it's no surprise that given the fact that I had finished all my book work today and had nothing else that needed immediate attention that I'd turn to training.

Morning Training: Running
Both Rocket and I were sporting sore legs today so we decided to chop our usual 9.5kms run down to a 6kms run.  Our pacing was much slower than previous runs but we both knew we just had to get out there for a run if only just to stay consistent with our training.  The weekend long run was going to come whether we liked it or not and so was marathon day.  It's so very easy to brush off a morning run and just take for granted all the distances ran already but that really means nothing if you're not consistent.  The more you train the more endurance and strength you build up, and the more endurance and strength you build up the more kilometres you can actually run.  And actually the more you train the more your body is quick to recover from the training.  Consistency, consistency, consistency... I really can't stress it enough with preparing for this full marathon.

Afternoon Training:  Boxing and Weight Training
My hockey pro star Hulkie had texted me, asking if she could train with me today because she wouldn't be able to come for tonight's Crossfit Challenger class at 7pm. I agreed and told her to come around 3pm. I overdid it with legs the other day (a curse of absolutely loving leg day) and didn't want to do anymore lower body training on account I was anticipating doing a long run tomorrow.  So we trained upper body today after I finished with my boxing.  I paired two exercises together and we did 3 sets of 10 reps for each.  In total there were eight different exercises so four pairings and though that doesn't sound much, it really doesn't need to be much to be intense and to be effective.  With the last set for the dumbbell hammer to curls, it was so intense that I resorted to yelling out at the top of my lungs so that I could push myself through the last rep.  There's definitely something about just hollering out like that.

Evening Training:  Crossfit Challenger Class
With only two Hulkies wanting to do tonight's Crossfit Challenger class (because 3 others had taken the night off to coffee shop hop I should note... and good for them too), I decided to join them with their training.  And like the training I put together for the hockey pro star and me to do together, tonight I put together 4 pairings of two exercises, 3 sets of 10 reps for each of the pairings.  The Challenger Class is a full body workout so 4 of the exercises pertained to the upper body and the other 4 focused on lower body.  It was an intense workout and the ladies who had joined in on it finished it huffing and puffing, all sweaty, and with thumbs up and smiles on.  Perhaps those smiles were because it was over and done with, regardless, they were happy and the workout was a huge success.  

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