Everyone keeps on asking me when I am returning to Canada but I don't know. In addition to trying to somewhat set things up for myself in Canada I also have to prepare things here and, between you and me, I am more nervous about leaving here than going to Canada. I figure I can survive in Canada regardless of what happens because I have drive, family, friends, and thick skin like none other. But Korea... I worry about leaving Hulk's and our Hulkies. I will worry about them every single day I am in Canada because that's exactly what I did when I was there vacationing.
I left Snickers with Hulk's for 3 weeks and instantly broke into tears when I returned. I won't go into the details of it all but will note that I really thought he would have used this time away from me to smarten up and really get his act together. Instead, however, he slacked off and certain people babied him so the push for him to figure things out and get his act together was really non existent.
I'm planning on hiring a few part timers to help Snickers with all the coaching and I'm hoping to arrange to have a cleaning lady come in twice a week to clean the entire club. I have some potentials already for coaching positions but now I'm having to teach Snickers the ropes of our juice bar and my crossfit classes. He can change the class setup, that's okay, but he can't just drop them. Moroever, our club has never been just about boxing. It's got the juice bar, crossfit classes, monthly socials, Thundra running club, personal training, and then there are the holidays I celebrate with our club. I'm nervous that if I leave our club will just become a boxing club and it'll lose all the social components that have become the very thing that make this home for me and a place not only I but so many others love.
I refuse to let Hulk's get hurt in my absence so this is my current stress, not Canada. I'm going to land on two feet regardless of how I jump into life in Canada but I worry about Hulk's. This is my baby. Unlike Snickers, I live in Korea solely for our club. I don't have extremely close friends, probably only a few, and I don't have family here like I do in Canada, just Snickers and Granny Kim. I don't have any real distractions here despite missing Canada. Hulk's and my boxing are my everything here. They are what I wake up for but the same isn't true for Snickers and as understanding of that as I am I can't help but see the disappointment with his three weeks alone here as foreshadowing bigger problems if I am gone for a year.
So you're moving to Canada without your husband? Weird move.
No... what's weirder is staying in Korea at this point for me and not jumping at this opportunity to expand my potential. If he doesn't stay in Korea who is going to manage the club?! If you have a better idea, do share.
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