As the story has it, one day I headed to the opposite side of the globe – the Flipside. I arrived in Korea February 16th, 2005 and thought I’d do a year, then leave. I was wrong. I stayed, launched my first company, Flipside Fitness, and then opened Korea's largest boxing club, Hulk's Boxing (now called Hulk's Club).

After 11.5yrs in Korea, I then picked up one day and returned to Toronto, Canada. But then I left again.

Now I live in the Philippines where I am the CEO and head coach of Empowered Clubhouse, the Philippines' first and only boxing clubhouse exclusively just for women. I also am the founder of the Lil' Sistas Project, CEO and designer of Slay Gear and Baa Baa Black Sheep .Ph.

Wednesday, September 03, 2014

Getting Back to My Happy Self... Wednesday, September 3

I have to appologize here for perhaps sounding cold and cruel about what I wrote for yesterday's entry but I do not take back what I said.  I wasn't angry in writing it, I was just really disgusted with what happened.  I think I used to be a very critical person and perhaps a bit pessimistic, but I'm trying to be more optimistic.  You know it just hurts when someone does you wrong and yesterday's crazy event was beyond wrong.

"Keep your homepage about daily events, your boxing and your boxing club" I tell myself. Easier said than done.  I over think things, I know, and it comes out in my homepage, so sue me... hahaha.

It takes the sour to know the sweet, just like it takes the sweet to know the sour.  Yesterday was the sour and today was the sweet.  Most of my days are sweet come to think of it.

Today's sweetness was in rocking out during my treadmill HIIT training to some old school 80's tunes, kicking my butt with boxing, and then killing my ab routine.  It was in a bouquet of mushrooms that so unexpectedly showed up at my juice bar.  It was a visit from a long-time-no-see Hulkie who has since moved out of Cheonan and in some late night new Hulkies so proudly mastering how to do pikes on the stability ball.  Sweetness was in what has now become quite the inside joke between me and one of my super sweet female Hulkies.  "Amy... help me", she had texted me from the girls shower room.  As it turns out, she had forgotten to grab a towel before entering the shower so she messaged me privately on Facebook.  I quickly ran a towel back to her but of course not before I had a good giggle and teased her about it.  "Why are you so dang cute always?!  I asked her.  She just smiled in response, making her eyes totally disappear on her face.  I like this Hulkie, I like all my Hulkies, but some of them surely hit an extra sweet spot on me.  This particular Hulkie, from day one, has always been so sweet to us all.  The first day she arrived at Hulk's she brought special snacks she had gone out of her way to buy for our four-legged pups.  I remember I thought I had killed her in one of my Crossfit Challenger classes so I took her out for a post-training dinner afterward.  I was convinced I had trained her too hard and that she'd either never come back or never want to train with me again.  She came back the next day and has been coming faithfully ever since. Tonight she left a surprise for me in the shower room -- body scrub sponges and a basket full of shower goodies.  I love it when Hulkies do stuff like this.  I don't mean buy things but instead I mean when they go out of their way and do something for the better of the club.  Yesterday one of our Hulkies bought us all bananas and today I saw some of my mini Hulkies tidying up the kettlebell area.  They feel a connection to our club, a sense of responsibility and ownership, and that warms my heart.  This isn't just my club and it's not just Snickers' club either, it is our club.  It is all of ours.  

Yesterday's poo-of-a-morning had nothing to do with our club or our Hulkies, it was from drama from outside of it, from someone so disconnected from our club.  Sometimes I wish I could just shut out the outside world and just preoccupy and concern myself solely with our club -- those that come into it and what goes on here.  I've created quite the bubble world for myself here at Hulk's and though it's a lot of hardwork, elbow grease and sweat, it's quite the sweet-infested world that I am happy-to-the-core being in.  

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