As the story has it, one day I headed to the opposite side of the globe – the Flipside. I arrived in Korea February 16th, 2005 and thought I’d do a year, then leave. I was wrong. I stayed, launched my first company, Flipside Fitness, and then opened Korea's largest boxing club, Hulk's Boxing (now called Hulk's Club).

After 11.5yrs in Korea, I then picked up one day and returned to Toronto, Canada. But then I left again.

Now I live in the Philippines where I am the CEO and head coach of Empowered Clubhouse, the Philippines' first and only boxing clubhouse exclusively just for women. I also am the founder of the Lil' Sistas Project, CEO and designer of Slay Gear and Baa Baa Black Sheep .Ph.

Friday, September 05, 2014

Not Purposely Avoiding the Sunlight, Honestly... Friday, September 5

TODAY'S ENGLISH SLANG OF THE DAY: Diarrhea of the mouth

I experienced this today, blurted it out while it was happening and then tried to explain to Snickers what it meant.

I don't get out that much these days and perhaps it is worse than ever.  For two full days, back-to-back, this week I didn't go outside.  I didn't even so much as peak my head out the front door.  It wasn't intentional, instead it is just my life is so wrapped up here at the club -- I eat, sleep, train, work, and live at Hulk's.  I've been living off the excessive food prep I did two weeks ago and my other edibles, like protein shake mix and Lara Bars, get delivered so there was no need to go out and get food.  All my banking and paying of bills are done via phone apps.  My computer tech guy works across the street  so I can simply flag him from our front door and most of my sponsors drop by the club to talk or drop me an email or text.  Many of my supplies and repair men are good friends I've employed, like Panty Boy Jr, a close friend and former teammate, who delivers my bottled drinks and Hoonie who I also know from UP Boxing Club who services my credit card machine.  Moreover, many of our members are my friends and most of my other friends know to drop by the club if they want to see me or end up coming by because our boxing club has turned into a kind of hangout spot for them.  They love shooting late night pool and watching the live fights on our TV.

The extent of me going outside this week included the following:
  1. Walking the pups (with the exception of 2 days when just Snickers did).
  2. I bought bread from the bakery.
  3. Late night business meeting dinner out.
  4. Morning coffee with a friend.
  5. Dropped by Diaso to pick up a gift for one of mini Hulkies.

It had been a slow day at Hulk's because of the long Chuseok holiday that was about to start.  I had just spent the entire day studying and friends had gone out of town, leaving me with little to no distractions with my studying.  But one friend did come visit in the late evening and she brought a friend, a new friend for me...and that's when I burst out in a mad case of diarrhea of the mouth.  It was a mix between a long-time-no-see friend and a new-and-super-smiley friend that kicked off the episode, the diarhea of the mouth.  Snickers called me on it too, after the ladies had left and joked that I really need to get out more.  I know I don't but I don't really care too.  I've got sponsors asking when my next fight is, KBC changing scheduled fights like it's some kind of joke, fellow boxers asking me when I'm going to become champ, and a plane ticket that's been on hold because of all of the above. 

It was refreshing to see my friend and a fresh new face so I have no shame in fessing up to my diarhea of the mouth. It's been a long week and they were a fresh breath of air.  Trying to explain to Snickers however, what exactly is diarrhea of the mouth, now that was a bit challenging.  He knows the "number system" -- "1" is for pee, "2" is for poop, and a "3" is diarrhea -- however when I told him it was "a number 3 coming out of one's mouth but with words" he looked totally disgusted, obviously not understanding the "with words" part.  "Is this a foreigners-only thing?" he asked.  

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