As the story has it, one day I headed to the opposite side of the globe – the Flipside. I arrived in Korea February 16th, 2005 and thought I’d do a year, then leave. I was wrong. I stayed, launched my first company, Flipside Fitness, and then opened Korea's largest boxing club, Hulk's Boxing (now called Hulk's Club).

After 11.5yrs in Korea, I then picked up one day and returned to Toronto, Canada. But then I left again.

Now I live in the Philippines where I am the CEO and head coach of Empowered Clubhouse, the Philippines' first and only boxing clubhouse exclusively just for women. I also am the founder of the Lil' Sistas Project, CEO and designer of Slay Gear and Baa Baa Black Sheep .Ph.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

A Day of Four-Legged Play... Tuesday, October 22

The past couple of days it's been go-go-go for us, more so Snickers than I, so I decided to take the day off work today and just spend it at home with our four-legged beauties.  As much as I love working and love Hulk's, I also love my pups and I refuse to neglect them or put them on the back burner.  I must note though, I had high hopes of long walks, perhaps some mountain hiking, playing in the park together, and a ton of play time.  However, considering my four-legged babies sleep about 70% of the day, play time was short and sweet but for every thirty minutes I played with them they seemed to need a good hour nap to follow it... too funny. 
Worked a lot with Pyen Chi today, trying to expand upon her vocabulary.  I've already taught her numerous Korean vocab words and commands but I really should try to teach her some English too.  It's always amusing when people see her outside with me.  They assume she must know English but she really doesn't.  All the words she knows are in Korean and I try really hard to only speak to her in Korean too.  Pyen Chi's quite the smart four-legged girl and today I worked on trying to teach her a new command -- go outside.  Mission completed.  By the end of the day I had successfully taught not only Pyen Chi but also Balboa and Pacquiao that when I say "go outside" they are to go out into the veranda and stay there until I call them back in.  This commend will definitely help me when it comes to vacuuming or washing the floors without having to put them all in one of the rooms and closing the door. 
Pyen Chi's vocabulary is much higher than the other two's vocabulary.  Pacquiao's problem is that he gets way too excited when I'm trying to teach him and instead wants to jump all over me and lick me from head to toe.  Whereas Balbao, he's just way too stubborn and trying to teach him any new command means trying to catch him first and trying to catch him is like trying to catch a fish with bare hands, super hard!
Pyen Chi's list of vocab/commands (English translations):
  1. water
  2. milk
  3. hungry
  4. delicious (signal for snack time)
  5. walk (signal for walk time)
  6. Come here.
  7. Go away.
  8. go outside (as in go out into to the veranda)
  9. slow
  10. quickly
  11. Walk beside me.
  12. sit
  13. lay down
  14. get up
  15. don't
  16. Let's go.
  17. no jumping
The key to my success with teaching Pyen Chi her commands has definitely been consistency.  I've never resorted to rewarding her with treats when she listens;  I've never bought my dogs treats.  I've never been a fan of buying processed snacks for them nor have I been a fan of rewarding good manner with food.  Rewards for listening to my command include things like kisses to the head, hugs, and words of praise.  As for snack time for them, their snacks usually consist of spinach heads, eggs, bananas, peanut butter, and the occasional fruit like apples and pears.  Occasionally I'll go to the local butcher and buy bones off him for Pyen Chi. 
I clearly had exhausted my four-legged babies today with excessive play time, extra snack times and trying to teach them new things.  By 6pm they were all flopped on the floor, in La-La Land.  I popped in a movie and thought I'd wait for them to wake up but then Snickers called me.  It was about the zillionth time he had contacted me today urging me to come to work because he missed me.  I missed him too, of course, but the truth of the matter was I really missed working.  My so-called day off, my day of relaxing, wasn't really relaxing nor was it a day off because I kept on logging into the club's camera system to check out what members had come out for training and what was going on.  I felt so left out and was itching to get over to Hulk's.  By 9pm I made my way to  Hulk's and it was so nice to be greeted by smiling members at the door and hard training members inside. 
It was nice to spend some extra time with my four-legged beauties but I was sure they appreciated me out of the house at that point.  Those cuties just couldn't keep up with my energy level today.

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