As the story has it, one day I headed to the opposite side of the globe – the Flipside. I arrived in Korea February 16th, 2005 and thought I’d do a year, then leave. I was wrong. I stayed, launched my first company, Flipside Fitness, and then opened Korea's largest boxing club, Hulk's Boxing (now called Hulk's Club).

After 11.5yrs in Korea, I then picked up one day and returned to Toronto, Canada. But then I left again.

Now I live in the Philippines where I am the CEO and head coach of Empowered Clubhouse, the Philippines' first and only boxing clubhouse exclusively just for women. I also am the founder of the Lil' Sistas Project, CEO and designer of Slay Gear and Baa Baa Black Sheep .Ph.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Up and Beyond the Work at Work... Thursday, November 21

I feel like we're back to our renovation day schedule we barely squeezed through alive when we first started working on making Hulk's.  We try to wake up super early to get work done before work and then after work we go home to work some more.  Trying to get additional errands and tasks done has been hard because of the steady stream of additional things on our plate, in particular some legal things.  Today was the first day in maybe 2-3 weeks I've had the morning available to meet a friend for coffee.  In these past couple of months however, I've been in more legal dealing meetings than I have probably in my whole life.  It's exhausting. 
PLACE: Cheonan Prosecutor's Office
SITUATION:  Punching a bus on route to a club camping trip
In a confrontation with a very dangerous bus driver, Snickers ended up punching in the bus front window.  The bus driver waited till the following Monday -- suspicious actions on his behalf -- and now he's been fined.  Thankfully he wasn't charged with anything but currently the fine is at $1,500 and we've decided to fight to get it lowered.
PLACE:  Cheonan Police Head Office
SITUATION:  Getting due damage money for Gangsta Gotti
A few months back some angry drunk kid decided in his crazy rage to push over both the scooters of myself and one of my neighbors.  Snickers and I ended up racing out the door and chasing him and his crew of equally drunk and angry friends.  Police showed up, a report was written up and the kid was told us he had x number of days to reimburse us for the damages -- $300.  The x number of days passed, phone calls to the kid were made and then suddenly they could no longer be made.  The kid has canceled his phone.  It's no big deal, the police have the kid's identification number and can track him down but now it means it's being taken to court.  Going to court means us getting more money but it's not worth the extra time and hassle this whole silliness has caused.  If it continues any longer, I swear I'm going to show up drunker and angrier than that kid.... ok, maybe no.  I don't drink, but I will show up ready to spit fire!
PLACE:   Intelligent Criminal Investigation Team -- Cyber
SITUATION:  Hate text message
Received my first hate text message, well it was more of a hate message directed towards Snickers but it was sent to me.  I wouldn't have said anything about it because it just seemed like silly nonsense but Snickers saw it, as did my sponsor.  Both were ticked about it and my sponsor insisted I search out the sender.  I was more concerned about whether or not it was one of our club members but my sponsor seemed more upset about what the message actually said. 
PLACE:  Incheon Police Station
SITUATION:  Custody battle over Monroe Frost
The beautiful Sportage we received WAS too good to be true and we were quick to find this out when two rough looking guys from Incheon (a 2 hour away city) barged into our club asking about her.  As the story goes, one of them was the former owner of Monroe and because the legal paper work had not been fully completed before she was handed over to us, they had the upper hand and we had no power.  We stuck to strategically parking her and not driving her if we could avoid doing so.  The former owner still had the spare smart key and, because we didn't have any legal attachment to her, we risked them simply driving off with her and then reporting us to the police, insisting that we had stolen her.   Well, they never drove off with her but they did report us to the police.  We then had to hand over Monroe Frost and attend a meeting in a city two hours away to prove we hadn't stolen her.  The custody battle still continues and for now we've been driving Franky-G our scooter and taking taxis. 
PLACE:  Cheonan City Registration Office
SITUATION:  In attempt at keeping our members-only parking for members only, we put up a large chain and rope attached to three large concrete-filled metal bins.  It acts as a barrier and keeps pesky parkers out but it then we started running into the problem with such pesky parkers parking alongside it, making it impossible for our members to even get into the parking area.  Snickers thought it a good idea to position the large metal tins a bit into the street, making it impossible for passing cars to pass by if a pesky parker parks as such and thus eliminating the pesky parkers.  Well, it worked great, that is until someone then went and claimed we were blocking the street and using public property as private property.  We've already been fined, once for $80, but we've been warned that fines will continue and will increase in value when they do continue so now we're fighting the city over this situation. 

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