As the story has it, one day I headed to the opposite side of the globe – the Flipside. I arrived in Korea February 16th, 2005 and thought I’d do a year, then leave. I was wrong. I stayed, launched my first company, Flipside Fitness, and then opened Korea's largest boxing club, Hulk's Boxing (now called Hulk's Club).

After 11.5yrs in Korea, I then picked up one day and returned to Toronto, Canada. But then I left again.

Now I live in the Philippines where I am the CEO and head coach of Empowered Clubhouse, the Philippines' first and only boxing clubhouse exclusively just for women. I also am the founder of the Lil' Sistas Project, CEO and designer of Slay Gear and Baa Baa Black Sheep .Ph.

Tuesday, December 03, 2013

Never a Dull Day at Hulk's... Tuesday, December 3

The main thing that stood out today as stealing the spotlight for highlight of the day was the bloody scene that took place shortly after 8pm.  I was busy weighing in the Bo Sisters at the corner of the club when one member ran over to tell me that a fight had broken out at the back.  And, sure enough, a fight had broken out but it was definitely not a fight I would have ever anticipated.  It was a bloody fight between two male members -- both high school students and both new to Hulk with one just having joined today actually. 
I ran to the locker room where it had taken place and there before my eyes was a blood splattered floor, one high school boy standing there looking totally spooked and totally guilty while another one stood covering his face.  I told him to remove his hand and instantly I knew we had to get him to a hospital.  He had blood all down the front of him so we ended up having to wash him down and get him to change into some of Snickers' clothes.  After sitting them down together in the office for a lengthy lecture and some yelling from Snickers, he then took both boys to the hospital emergency -- one to be looked at and the other to sit in his guilt.
As the story goes, it was the first time both boys had ever met and apparently the whole fight started because one boy got mad at the other starring at him.  High school boys, I'll never understand them but I never expected anything like this would happen nor do I care for this to happen again.  I ended up having to watch the security camera and talking to the member who had split them up to put together what had happen because I fully expect a visit or call from their parents.  I then had to mop up the blood.  The locker room floor was a blood bath and then drops of blood were splattered all over the club from when they left to go to the hospital.  All this went down right at our busiest part of the day so while Snickers was off at the hospital, I had to clean up the blood, figure out what had just happened, and manage the entire club by myself.  Did padwork with six members back-to-back... I don't recommend doing that but I had to. 
I was really disappointed and shocked because we've never had anything like this ever happen at Hulk's.  We really try hard to encourage our members to mingle amongst each other and socialize as well as train hard so this totally shocked everyone.  Now I had the 'joy' of having to possibly explain to some kid's parents how their son ended up with a mashed-in face after just signing on for a three month membership at our club.  Thankfully his nose wasn't broken but he'll definitely be sore for the next day or two.  Regardless of why the fight happened and the fact his nose wasn't broken, seeing someone get hurt while with us isn't cool.  It totally changed the vibe at the club for that moment so I tried to recover from it by cooking up a big batch of sweet potatoes and initiatting some sparring.  "If you want to fight, keep it in the ring!" I told them. 
After it was all over and done with, the two boys were then dropped off at their houses and Snickers returned to Hulk's.  We tried to relieve ourselves of the stress it had caused by looking for some humor in it.  The humor we found with the boy who threw the first punch.  I had just finished doing padwork with him and despite him only weight about 60kgs, his one punch felt like it was coming from a 80kg man.  Without even knowing he was doing it, he was putting all his weight behind his right jab and I had complimented him on it.  There's only one other member whose small size and power has taken me off guard -- a 47kg high school boy.  "Perhaps you encouraged him TOO much", Snickers told me, "Maybe he wanted to practice his two [right jab] more".  Nice, blame me... hahaha.
The locker room fist fight was a big thing but it wasn't the only thing that happened today.  The day was filled with some other pretty eventful and awesome moments so here they are.  Other highlights of my day...
1.  We had our first mistletoe kiss despite many people standing under it together and joking off me trying to explain what the heck a mistletoe is.  Only our foriegn Hulkies understand it.  Finally, it took two foreigners to stand under it and kiss for our other Hulkies to see I wasn't just trying to pull their leg... hahaha.  "You have a tradition to get free kisses? I love Canada!" one of our high school Hulkies told me.
2.  Friday was our busiest Free Train Friday, Sunday was our busiest Sunday by far, yesterday we hit high numbers but today we totally maxed our attendance sheet.  I had no more lines in our attendance record sheet for the day so I had to write names in the margin.... A-W-E-S-O-M-E!!!
3.  Snickers didn't come into work until later and with him being unable to do padwork the past couple of days, I've been taking on the responsibility of it.  I actually really like doing padwork with members because I know what it's like when I do it... and when I don't. I always hated it whenever Junior Mint wasn't able to do padwork with me because it always was the most intense part of my training and it was the lesson behind the rest of it.  I've been getting strange reactions however -- strange reactions from many of our male members.  Unlike our former crew that consisted of confident loud gang members, a good percentage of our male members are very shy and quiet.  One guy was so nervous doing padwork with me that he had to excuse himself and go to the bathroom.  Some giggled through the first part of padwork while others tried to tell me it was ok if I didn't do padwork with them.  Definitely felt a kind of pressure to compensate for whatever it was that was holding them back by really going hard with the padwork.  Consequently, I got called evil again today by another member.  I'm not evil but I will work you out... and isn't that what you came here to do?! Exactly.
4.  Was pleasantly visited by two former visitors who came to announce their upcoming return to Hulk's. 
5.  Had another surprise long-time-no-see visitor announce his return tonight.  Ironically enough, he's the cousin to the previous visitor but I don't think his cousin knows he's been training here. 
6.  The Bo Sisters rocked it tonight in their weigh-in.  After last month's increase in weigh and body fat by all three sisters, the mother came in to talk to us.  She signed all three Bo Sisters to a three month membership for personal training. 
ALL THREE dropped 2-3kgs in weight.
ALL THREE dropped 1-2kgs in body fat.
ALL THREE gained 1-2kgs in muscle.
Way to go girls!!!  I'm sure they'll be going home to brag to their parents about their success and so they should -- they earned it.
7.  I had weigh-in today, lost a kilo in a week, nice. 
8.  Hulkies continue to write out their Christmas wishes on a personalized ornament for our tree and today I noted some trends.  The #1 wish among our male Hulkies is for a girlfriend, with achieving a specific weight being their #2 wish.  Their #2 wish was the female Hulkies' #1 but it wasn't until closing, after 30+ some wishes had been written out that one female Hulkie finally requested a boyfriend. I thought that was quite funny.
9.  Recieved a gift tonight from one of our Hulkies -- a big bag of sports drinks.  We sell sports drinks at Hulk's but have been using them lately as training prizes for various competitions.  We just recently ran out so it was so great that this member had seen this and tried to help out. 
10.  Recently our Kid Champ (the Corner Chicken Godfather's son) has bonded with some key members at Hulk's with one of them being Kato, our sponsor's son.  Tonight Kato took Kid Champ out for some post-training eats -- raw beef bibimbap.  It just so happens to be my MOST FAVOURITE Korean dish but good for him.  He trains hard and am happy to note the friendships he's forming here.
11. Kato taking Kid Champ out for dinner scored me all-you-can-eat chicken-on-a-stick from the Corner Godfather who came into the club to personally thank me for what Hulk's has done for his son.  Him coming in to tell me his son loves Hulk's really meant so much to me.  I really felt so good.
12.  A parent of one of our Hulkies came in to thank us for the sweet potatoes we've been cooking for random members.  He told us that his son always saves his sweet potatoe and brings it home for his father to eat after work.  How sweet is that?!  Too sweet.  Sent him home with several cooked sweet potatoes tonight. 
13.  A potential future employee came by the club tonight -- Snickers' so-called twin.  He's a licensed personal trainer with boxing experience and is quite sweet.  Snickers is pondering whether or not we should take him on, hire him.  However, in terms of picking one candidate among the few we have in mind and have interviewed, I'm definitely still leaning towards one particular candidate. 

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