As the story has it, one day I headed to the opposite side of the globe – the Flipside. I arrived in Korea February 16th, 2005 and thought I’d do a year, then leave. I was wrong. I stayed, launched my first company, Flipside Fitness, and then opened Korea's largest boxing club, Hulk's Boxing (now called Hulk's Club).

After 11.5yrs in Korea, I then picked up one day and returned to Toronto, Canada. But then I left again.

Now I live in the Philippines where I am the CEO and head coach of Empowered Clubhouse, the Philippines' first and only boxing clubhouse exclusively just for women. I also am the founder of the Lil' Sistas Project, CEO and designer of Slay Gear and Baa Baa Black Sheep .Ph.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

A Day of Grey in the Dark... Sunday, July 27

The downfall of living in our boxing club is that because it only has two windows it stays super dark until you turn the light on.  This means if it's noon and the sun in shining super bright high in the sky outside I have absolutely no idea when I'm in my bedroom or at the juice bar.  The bonus of this though is on days like today when I want to just hibernate and catch up on some much ignored relaxation, it's so easy to do so.  I can hibernate like the bear I am, or should I say "Bere"... hahaha [enter corny points here for me].

If Sunday is supposedly a "day of rest" than I definitely milked that for all it was worth, especially when I stumbled across ALL series of Grey's Anatomy.  I must say here though that I wasn't in a complete vegetative state with having become consumed with my discovery of Grey's Anatomy on my TV.  I did manage to be quite productive with cooking but perhaps the characters on Grey's helped here.  I cooked up a storm, let me tell you.  I cooked a total of 16 chicken breast four different ways, made brown rice, managed to master an amazing stirfry, and took my hardcore food prep to a whole new level with cooking the next few days worth of protein-packed pancakes.  I was on a roll, let me tell you, and no overdose of TV seemed to stop me.

I don't know what you have playing on your TV but here in Korea I've got what feels like a trillion zillion channels of nothing and it's all in Korean.  I have a couple of Japanese channels and even a Chinese movie channel but the limited English channels play NCIS pretty much 24/7 [enter my "shot-me-now" look here], the random talk show or God-knows-where-it's-coming-from news broadcast, and some history channel.  

Grey's Anatomy played all day and I mean ALL DAY... and yes, it played into the night too.

It felt nice or should I say it sounded nice, having an overdose of English instead on what feels like nonstop Korean.  For the most part yes I did watch the episodes that I played but there were many parts, like when I was washing dishes or prepping my food, that I simply just enjoyed listening to the English for the simple fact that it was English.  Am I that deprived of English that I didn't even know it.  I didn't even know such an itch existed until I scratched it and well, I couldn't scratch enough... hahaha.

Today, with the accompaniment of Christine, Bailey, and the rest of Grey's Anatomy, I enjoyed a lovely day completely to myself and it was exactly what I needed.

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