Things never go as planned, ain't that the truth about life. Today I was simply supposed to head out to Asan and do my long run with Rocket, that was supposed to be my only thing to do, but my day ended up being bombarded with extra things to do... and more training.
Our long run out in Asan was a really good one -- a really, really good one. And though I never am exactly comfortable running nor do I particularly enjoy it, today my condition during the run was much more comfortable. I felt as if I had more push today than last week and I was very happy with our pacing, especially considering the pacing of my Thursday run where I only beat my set goal by two seconds a kilometre and it was a short run.
Tuesday -- 9.48kms at 5:08min/km
Thursday -- 9.53kms at 5:18min/km
Saturday -- 21.02km at 5:21min/km
I only got in two of my anticipated three short runs this week, so they plus today's long run only totaled 40.03kms. I was aiming for 45kms. I could go out running tomorrow, do a short run to hit my target of 45kms, but tonight I pushed myself to the limits and over trained by doing boxing and a bit of weight training in the evening. My mind wants to train but I know tomorrow needs to be a definite no-train day, for the love of my body.
At tonight's Free Train, we had a Mauy Thai boxer from a neighbouring club come and train. And that's cool, I've got no reason to bad talk any other club. We're all about the love of fighting. He's not a boxer though, lets be clear about that, so he and his club aren't competition. Having said that though, I had a big issue when he came walking into our club with his club's t-shirt on. He asked to use my own personal boxing gloves, to which I gave him a clear, distinct "hell no" and then told him to use the members gloves. I joked with him about his shirt and he responded by bragging about his club. "If your club is so great, then how come you're not there training now?" I asked. It was a honest question, I meant nothing bad by asking. He responded by rolling his eyes and telling me that they're not open on Saturdays to which I gave a little shake of my head and added, "guess they're not so good then."
I tried not to let the whole t-shirt thing get to me but when one of my regular members showed up wearing his Hulk's tank top and commented to me about the strange new dude with the other club's shirt, then I spoke up. I gave the guy two choices: either take the damn shirt off or accept this free Hulk's shirt and wear it the next time you train at your club. I thought it was a fair deal but his reaction was so much better than I expected. He accepted my Hulk's shirt and then threw off his club's shirt so that he could wear our Hulk's shirt. "I'll wear it Monday too", he added. Sweet. Now that I can respect and I really did appreciated his response. There are 9 boxing clubs here in Cheonan and we're very much a community, none of us pose as competition against each other, well all but UP that is, but I'm not familiar with how it is among the MMA and Maui Thai clubs here. They may be competitive.
There were 9 of us at Free Train tonight -- 7 guys and 2 of us gals -- and I thought that was all good and dandy until I realized that we were going out for dinner afterwards... hahaha. Ended up hitting up one of our favourite restaurants across town that serves a mean meat BBQ dish. Dinner was followed by an impromptu movie night at Hulk's. We had planned to open the club tonight at 6pm for Free Train but our first member arrived at 5:40pm and then it wasn't until about midnight that members left. Such is the life of a boxing club manager. My days revolve around my training, our club and it's members. Tonight was one of my favourite Saturday Free Trains by far.
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