Random shout-out here to one of my big guys -- the Hulkie who won the wine gift set for losing the highest body fat percentage this month.
I'm so proud of you!!!
I thought it was so great to see you totally resist the temptation to eat tonight and your dedication to not only training but eating healthy has made you to be quite the positive example for your fellow Hulkies.
Tonight we hosted our weekly After Hours party and while sausages, cake and even beer were so easily being passed around the juice bar area and being consumed by most, there sat our wine gift set winner. He didn't eat any of the sausages nor any of the cake and he didn't take a sip of beer. He's just so focused on losing weight and I totally commend him on this, his unshaken determinism.
Treats, or "cheat meals" as they are often referred to as, are acceptable but everything in moderation and by moderation I mean not large quantities and not every day. Our Monday After Hours parties are a weekly thing where members let loose, relax, and enjoy a nice treat. And while my big guy here refrained from all of it, one other member refrained from refraining and ate more than they should have.
I think both are somewhat setting themselves up for self destruction. My big guy, though I totally respect his dedication and self restraint, I think a more appropriate approach would be to gradually stop eating the foods he likes as supposed to going completely cold turkey. Too often people who go cold turkey end up binging. The temptation is too great and they totally give in. My suggestion would be to either gradually steer away from such foods or enjoy them once in a while and also find healthy alternatives. I used to be a huge fan of ice cream but now I make my own frozen yogurt, which basically means I put nuts or fruit into a store bought Greek yogurt and throw it into the freezer, and I love that much more.
As for the go-all-out-on-a-cheat mentality sported by the other person in the discussion here, don't kill all that hard training for that massively, over sized cheat meal!!! I see no point in training so bloody hard only to blow all your efforts on one meal. It's called a "cheat meal", not a "murder-your-training meal". A cheat meal isn't a means of getting in everything and anything you wanted or want to eat. I must admit that I used to be bad at this, overeating with my cheat meals but then one day, out of pure curiosity, I decided to go running and see how long it'd take me to burn off that meal I ate at the Indian restaurant. Well, it took me 13kms to burn off one meal... yikes! Now I'm a good runner but kicking my butt by running 13kms with all that Indian food in my tummy was rough. Cheat meals are fine but everything in moderation and I think that's really key here. There's no point wasting all your countless hours and effort with training for something that may only take you 5-10 minutes to eat. Don't throw your hard work away!!!
And, for all you burpee "lovers", here's how many burpees it will take you to burn of some of your favourite foods...
White Bread (2 slices) : 170 Calories : 200 BURPEESPizza (Regular/plain) : 1400 Calories : 1650 BURPEESMacDonalds (Big Mac Meal – Large) : 1350 Calories : 1375 BURPEESKit Kat Chocolate (45g/4 finger) : 234 Calories : 230 BURPEESCan of Coke (340ml) : 250 Calories : 275 BURPEESSushi (California Rolls / 1 Roll) : 250 Calories : 275 BURPEES
I don't think food is a particularly good reward for hard training and clean eating, after all we're not dogs and treats are for dogs. Instead, things like new training gear or a day off is more appropriate and won't set your training and clean eating back. Laugh as you may but my reward for my long run on Saturday, the 20km I did with Rocket, was an extra long shower. I know it may not seem like much but perhaps you don't know what the water bill for a club our size looks like...hahaha. I must have stood in that shower until my fingers and toes went waterlogged and my back was beat red from the beating hot water... and I absolutely loved it!
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