My options for staying warm today included the following:
1. Morning breakfast club meeting.2. Stay in bed.3. Head to the mall or hang out at a coffee shop.4. Stay at Mama Kim's (my MIL's place).5. Huddle by the coal heater.6. Take up drinking and drink that wine from Friday.7. Exercise.8. Clean/work.
Option #1 -- morning breakfast club meeting -- was an instant write-off on account I found out yesterday they had their Christmas cookie bake off; another event I never got invited to. I really like the breakfast club but there is definitely an awkwardness and embarrassment that comes with being the only one in the room who didn't get invited to something everyone else had sooooo much fun at and hearing them chat about it. I didn't care to sit through a repeated occurrence with the same people so I joked it off and decided not to go to today's meeting. It meant I didn't have to share my protein-packed oatmeal bake with anyone but me, myself and I. It also meant I could eat it while totally buck naked in bed and in the company of my much-loved and also naked friends -- Snickers and the K-Bere pack of three. So that's exactly what I did.
Option #2 -- stay in bed -- won the rights to the morning with us waking up and sipping on coffee together and enjoying breakfast but not officially getting out of bed till about 2pm. We would have stayed in bed longer but the pups needed a pee break outside and that pretty much put our day in motion. At that point, once you're up you're up. The cold makes you instantly committed to getting up and then it's every man for themselves with showering and getting clothed. I've resorted to blow drying my tops -- they're almost lethal when cold and Snickers hates the screaming that accompanies me painfully putting one on.
Option #3 -- head to the mall or hang out in a coffee shop -- won rights to our afternoon, that is after option #2 exhausted our morning. We headed to the Kyobo Bookstore and there it felt like we were in Heaven -- Snickers all glossy eyed over the candy section, me all itching to get my little Polish hands on the fresh overdose of 2015 agendas, and us super cozy warm thanks to the free heat of the store. I do love my lists, I did love the warm heat, and today my mission was to get a new agenda. I was way too excited about this...hahaha. Agenda-hunting was then followed by some other store visits, things we had to pick up for the club, and then we headed to a friend's restaurant for a beautiful dinner (and more free heat).
Option #4 -- stay at Mama Kim's (my MIL's place) -- was a suggestion by Snickers, or course, and I responded to it with sarcasm, of course. I leaned on my four-legged friends as a crutch to help me out here, telling him with my saddest look of concern that they'd be lonely sleeping here at the club without us. Hey, I have 3 pups, and they're a lot to handle at times so if I can milk them as an excuse to get out of something then you best bet I'm going to do that. Gotta love my pups, saving me from lengthy stays and overnight family functions since 2010!
Option #5 -- huddle by the coal heater -- this happened and I have the almost-but-not-quite burns on my legs to prove it. I bounced around from hanging out by the coal heater to blasting the small space heater so that I could do some work on the computer. This next week is going to be a big one for Hulk's and it was kicked off today with me trying to crunch numbers and search things out. I have exactly 2 days to come up with $3,500 and another 8 days for an additional $1,500 -- a grand total of $5,000 in 8 days. It took me a couple of hours but I managed to knock off $1,600 with one phone call regarding the $3,500...sweet.
Option #6 -- take up drinking and drink that wine from Friday -- was a no go. I've been joking lately that I want to take up drinking but the fact of the matter is I don't see drinking as anything but a bandaid for and a distraction from the problem. The problem will still be there, may as well deal with it now because I am going to have to deal with it regardless of when. So no taking on drinking as a new hobby. I'm saving that wine for Christmas when I enjoy my once-a-year, sometimes twice, glass of red wine.
Option #7 -- exercise -- was a very tempting option for me to go to but I didn't. My legs felt fine from yesterday's run and my knuckles aren't quite as bruised anymore but Sunday is my one day of rest. And as tempting as it is to be living in a boxing club with sandbags constantly only a few feet away and gymnastic rings I love to swing on, I have to respect my body and give it a day of recovery. "Don't think of it as a day off training," my friend once explained, "think of it as a day off for the club, a day off from kicking its butt!"...nice, I like that.
Option #8 -- work -- those who know me know this option was bound to be exercised today. Snickers worked on some lighting renovations and I worked on the books. And as for cleaning, nah! We had cleaned yesterday for Free Train so we figured that was good enough to hold us over till Monday morning when we do our big work week start up clean.
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