We made quite the scene when we spotted each other. I yelled his name from across the street and then, when the light turned, we crossed the street, we hugged, he picked me up, and I kicked up my feet. He is one of the first friends I met at York University and now, after all these years, we're still friends. Just this past month he graduated and is officially Doctor Colin. I am so proud of him.

In the early evening I went to my old gym in Bloor West Village, System Fitness, and who should I run into but one of my buddies whom I ALWAYS run into every single year I visit.
Huge shout-outs to the new owner of System Fitness for hooking me up with a sweet pass to train here for free (on account I posed for a boxing picture... hahaha).
Oh how I've missed training at System -- best fitness gym e-v-e-r!!!
After training I met up with J. He had been training at his club so we meet up -- two sweaty buddies.
I was craving a juicy, fat burger and while everyone has been trying to treat me to either Korean food or some kind of Asian food, it felt so good to finally feed this craving but check out the list of burgers! I ended up ordering the First Date burger.

I think both J and I ordered our weight in food... hahaha.
Got to love Canada for being able to spruce up your orders!
Ditched the regular bun for a whole wheat and replaced the usual fries with some broccoli.
I may be on vacation but I really don't care to kill my waistline.
It was a busy day, a fabulous day, and I ended it all with a ride home on the subway.
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